Tag: Letters to the Editor

Alliance the real local power

I agree entirely on the Lancaster Alliance issue…they are the real power in Lancaster County and have been involved from the beginning. This brings to mind and clarifies yet another event in the long saga of this project. In August ’99, just two months after any real detail was revealed about this project and one […]

Semi-pro Patriots football team seeks McCaskey stadium

Dear Editor, My name is Ronald B. Sultzbach. I am writing this article in concurrence with my business partner Michael Weiler. We are the co-directors of the Atlantic Coast Patriots minor league football organization. (non-profit) www.acpfootball.org The purpose of this communication is bring light to some facts. And hopefully answers to some questions. In 2006 […]

A City Transformed

The book brings back many good memories about the Lancaster I grew up around. We lived in the county but I looked forward to my parents taking me to the city to shop and go to the movies. Lancaster was a good place with police directing traffic and nickel bags of soft pretzels, not the […]


…a brief visit yesterday …and a quick look at the loading area: it’s worse than I thought from my view of the drawings. Nothing of consequence will be able to get in and out. Take a look yourself, and imagine a 53 foot trailer …. amazingly inadequate.

Finders keepers, losers weepers?

There is no other explanation for a newspaper putting a black grandmother’s picture on their front page for allegedly “stealing” a hundred dollar bill from a casino floor. I don’t care if she’s an SDoL school board member. Her arrest was racist and LNP putting her on their front page was unbelievably racist… Editor’s note: […]

Rep. Sturla’s newsletter is recyclable

Rep. Sturla’s newsletter paper is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC; http://www.fscus.org/paper/) certified for responsible forestry. Recyclable paper was used in the past, but it became costly because it created too much waste due to its inconsistency on the press. Thus, the paper was switched to FSC-certified. The FSC logo is not on the newsletter because it […]

Spending tax money recklessly

I attended a one time showing at the airport cinenma sponsored by a group of US financial leaders: Peterson, Buffett and three others. If you Google on to IOUSA you will get the idea. These five men have formed a foundation and last evening, across the US at 8 EST, their movie was shown in […]

Traffic congestion is indeed a big issue

Yes, the [proposed steet car] route is nearly useless, especially since it wuld not connect to peripheral parking (just the existing parking garages and LGH.) And in order to work, the trolley would have to run tracks on the INSIDE of the circle to not cross traffic, and the cars would have to board from […]

Trolley idea is insane

Lancaster’s Trolley will run where? Lancaster is not New Orleans, Cincinnati, Denver or Charlotte. Lancaster has got so much infrastructure problems coming down the pike that a Trolley will suck up any monies that are needed to deal with these problems. This will run from the train station to Prince, from Prince to Vine, East […]

LGH should spend earnings more responsibly

To the author of the Lancaster General Hospital letter to the editor (published on August 15th), I refer to this passage from your letter: “By the way, I’d rather see Lancaster General Hospital re-invest its profits into new buildings and medical technology in our community, creating jobs in our city, than to throw it to […]

More re origins of Convention Center

Interesting comment about the tax that was cheered. My experience has been,as I am sure yours was, that whenever a critical vote was taken by a public body to support the taxpayer-financed hotel and convention center project,the room was packed with people who had never attended such a meeting before. Judging by the conversations among […]

Room for improvement

I enjoy your publication, but find the frequent major errors in grammar and syntax annoying. You should strive to be better than ‘they’ are. Your content is excellent; your presentation needs work. Don’t be mediocre.

Questions need for big F&M State grant

I just got Mike Sturla’s glitzy newsletter in which he lists 5 state grants “recently awarded to groups in the 96th district.” Two of these are to F&M: “$516,650 for sediment and nutrient monitoring related to legacy sediments and $164,033 for research and development.” This is a huge amount of money to a private institution […]

Lancaster General Community Benefit Report

To the writer asking for specifics about Lancaster General, go visit Lancaster General Hospital’s website. While not the most convenient site on the planet, it has a link to something they call “Lancaster General Community Benefit Report.” It’s at http://www.lancastergeneral.org/content/LG_CommunityHealthReport.htm. I get a copy in the mail every year. The fall report has information about […]