Tag: Letters to the Editor

New Era criticized street cars in past

I clipped the New Era editorial from two years ago, after they published my letter calling the study of the DEA stupid (I said a tape measure would show trolleys would not work) The editors practically quoted me the next day verbatim. I am glad they have not morphed their opinion to suit the suits.

Report of street car death premature

NewsLanc is right on re: the trolley project … again. This project is anything but dead! Not only will it be revived, it will do so with the support of LNP. If the CC has taught us anything, we should realize that the power elite will not only use misdirection in their propaganda to pacify […]

Real estate broker’s lament

Over the last 6 months I have been doing more business in the city because of out of town buyers being referred to me that want to relocate to Lancaster from NY and NJ. They want city, our prices are CHEAP as well as the taxes, by their standards. NOT ONE buyer is moving into […]

Expects re-routing of trolley scheme

I’m willing to bet that if the streetcar proposal is extended to Conestoga St. instead of Vine St., Lancaster Newspapers would drop its opposition. The immediate problem with the streetcar proposal is its dependency on Federal “earmarked” funds, which are currently under attack by both of the major political parties. And congressman Joe Pitts generally […]

Optimism re trolley demise

Well, well, well. Jack Buckwalter doesn’t want it so the trolley project is stopped. Who could have imagined? Why did it take LNP so long? Did they just figure out it would disrupt their circulation process? Wow! What went on in a back room? Jack obviously hasn’t told Rick Gray yet. He’s still running his […]

City requires common sense solutions to revitilization

Mulberry Arts did originate the “First Friday” concept. Lancaster Alliance and Downtown Investment District (DID) are trying to fill their resume’ with what others have done for the city. What have they accomplished except spend tax dollars for air head ideas without a total overall plan? Lancaster City does not now nor ever needed the […]

So what if they published your letters!

I just have to ask – what world do you live in? They (gasp!) published several of your letters? Aren’t they wonderful! Do you remember their attacks on Molly Henderson and Shellenberger? They were vicious. Do you remember they never covered the PKF Consulting study? Do you remember when Rick Gray took two weeks of […]

Questions quotes in Inquirer article

“‘We bent over backward to be totally open and fair and our coverage was impartial,’ [Jack]Buckwalter said. ‘We carried letters to the editor from opponents that were extremely critical of us, but we kept running them.’” “Mayor [Rick] Gray dismisses the critics as ‘the people who are against damn near everything.’” The quote by Buckwalter […]

Preserve Race Street for bike race

Over 120 cyclists ranging in age from 4 to 70 participated in the Race Avenue Bike Race sponsored by the West End Cycling Club that took place on Saturday, Aug. 23, with over 120 cyclists from ages 4 to 70 participating. The last time this popular race was held on Race Avenue was in 1999. […]

Present at the creation

I’ve been doing a little bit of research about the origins of the [convention center and]hotelproject…. The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Lancaster Alliance, the LancasterCampaign, and Tom Baldridge [former head of the Lancaser Alliance] were repeatedly mentioned in newspaper articles about the project during its origins.