Tag: Letters to the Editor

Wachovia demise could cost Lancaster a LOT

In reply to the NewsLanc article: Viewer asks would Wachovia’s demise halt Convention Center funding? If Wachovia were to be taken over by another bank, it could cost the people of Lancaster County a LOT of money. It is likely that any successor to Wachovia would terminate the LCCCA’s interest rate “swap” agreement, which could […]

Downingtown High Schools not inner city

As a Chester County native and former soccer player who competed against Downingtown High School — back when there was just one — I must point out that the two current Downingtown high schools are certainly not “inner city schools.” Far from it, in fact. Downingtown is a borough, like Manheim and Columbia, and draws […]

Free Saturday parking not endangered

City and County residents are praying that [free Saturday] parking stays above water. As for all the visitors, we have to wait and see who is going to come to DINNER. Unfortunately this is the absolutely the worst time to expect business spending. We are in for at least 2 years of TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT, […]

More re Saturday free parking

This discussion is consistent with the logic that out-of-town visitors are “foreigners” who are going to drop their cash into the city coffers. After alll, taxing them in the hotel rooms is not affecting the local residents! State grants are outside money, having nothing to do with Lancastrians! Etc. If one expects to cash in […]

Free parking here today, gone tomorrow!

I’ve learned from discussions with Lancaster mayor Rick Gray and his chief of staff Pat Brogan that it will likely become necessary to start charging for metered parking downtown once the convention center opens. Otherwise,convention attendees could park for free all day Saturday, effectively blocking Lancaster City residents from use of these spaces.

Claims Lancaster Newspapers not doing job

Ron Harper has it correct. He says he has a passion for good government and that it is important that public figures responsible for taxpayer’s money and quality of life have their feet held to the fire. Exactly. If the Lancaster Newspapers did that to the slightest degree, we wouldn’t have the outright corruption that […]

Maligns publisher’s Havanese Dog

Watch Dog? Looks more like Newslanc’s dog is modeled after Publisher Robert Field’s miniature poodle based on comments made regarding the Sunshine Law. Here’s a quote which demonstrates a complete and total lack of understanding of what the Sunshine (current!!!)law is to prevent: “Concealment of information to which the public is entitled should be prevented!” […]

[“A City Transformed”] is on Google books only to page 59. The Lancaster Library downtown has two copies. The book is a must read to understand the mess that we went through and where we are again heading with no interest in really solving the problems of this city.

“A City Transformed” free at Google Books

“A City Transformed” is available to read online (for free!) at Google Books: here The summary page is here: http://books.google.com/books?id=f891HxR6y9MC Written by Franklin and Marshall professor David Schuyler, this book provides a detailed narrative of the failed “Urban Renewal” project in mid-20th century Lancaster City. It spells out the reasons behind “Urban Renewal”, how it […]

Not very enthusiastic about geographic location

[NewsLanc reported Sept. 18th:] “Marketing Director Josh Nowak explained that a number of planners seem not to be very enthusiastic about our geographical location.” This statement by Nowak, if it doesn’t cause you to break down in tears, then it has to make you laugh. Gee, did no one involved in scheming this project ever […]

Home Rule Charter would not have prevented CC

Please carefully re-read the proposed charter. There is no provision for an initiative to block a project like the hotel and convention center, once it is a part of the current budget. That means the County Commissioners could approve a project and provide for its financing within one calendar year, before voters would have a […]