Tag: Letters to the Editor

Conestoga View differed from Convention Center

[The Convention Center Project] is NOT like Conestoga View – [since] the taxpayers won with the selling/privatizing of this business. Government should NOT be in the business of doing what the private sector does better. From what I understand: The county was losing money, as were other counties around the state, and there were lawsuits […]

Rep. Joe Pitts explains vote against “Bail Out”

The following communication was sent by U.S. Representative Joe Pitts. It can be found in its entirety here TO: Citizens of the 16th Congressional District of Pennsylvania FROM: Congressman Joe Pitts DATE: Friday, October 3, 2008 RE: H.R. 1424, The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 Today I voted against The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act […]

New Era “panic” for Bail Out Plan off target

…Certain market players agree that giving [Treasury Secretary] Paulson “$700 billion in small unmarked bills in a paper bag” as one BBC commentator referred to it may not be the best way to deal with the crisis. Friday’s Federal seizure and sale of Washington Mutual and Monday’s Fed brokered sale of Wachovia to Citigroup clearly […]

How desperate are the HMA-owned hospitals?

I am writing in response to the recent newspaper (Lancaster New Era, Sept. 30) article detailing the most recent resurrection attempt of the Health Management Associates (HMA) owned hospitals, Lancaster Regional Medical Center and Heart of Lancaster Regional Center. I have pity for the most recent CEO George Miller as he is again attempting to […]

Sen. Casey writes about the “Bail Out”

Editor’s Note: Below is the form e-mail received in response to an inquiry about the “Bail Out” from Senator Bob Casey. Casey states below “After purchasing these assets, the Department of Treasury will hold them until markets for them recover. Treasury would then plan to sell these assets for a profit, recouping most or all […]

Sen. Specter writes about the “Bail Out”

The following was received from Senator Arlen Specter in response to an e-mail communication from our publisher. Although a form letter, it is informative. We can find no mention of any requirement that security acquisitions be at current market price. This is cause for considerable concern, since tax payers may well end up absorbing most […]

New Era’s editorial ridiculous

Excellent commentary re: the New Era’s ridiculously over the top editorial supporting a bail out. It’s hard to comprehend how a supposedly conservative leaning paper can stand shoulder to shoulder with Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi and aggressively endorse their position. This while a local legislator, Rep Joe Pitts, votes against the plan. Crazy!

TRRAAC consulting with attorney

I would like to make sure you understand TRRAAC’s position in regard to legal counsel. We have been in consultation with an attorney since early June 2008. Specifically, we are addressing what appear to be our only viable legal avenues – environmental issues. We have made significant progress. Because this project involves the rail road, […]

TRRACC proposal won’t work

Both TRRACC and NewsLanc ignore the fact that Norfolk Southern itself has said that none of TRRACC’s proposed alternatives would work. If the railroad says they won’t work, it’s irresponsible for both you and TRRACC to claim they will. It becomes just NIMBY. Editor’s response: We are not aware of having advocated the TRRACC plan. […]

Prepare to see identical story

The Lancaster Newspapers better save a few copies of that recent Pittsburgh Post Gazzette article…they will need it. All Lancaster residents should be prepared to see an almost identical story within 3-5 years of our CC opening. LNP can merely change the names as the naysayers say that they predicted this and the supporters shrug […]


I’d like to add an item to your list [of what the Lancaster Newspapers should seek forgiveness.] One of our editors once referred to the sitting head of the Board of Commissioners as the “angel of death”. I think that one qualifies too.

City prohibited from regulating guns

You stated Mayor Gray intends to introduce a lost/stolen gun ordinance. Did you know that Mr. Gray would be in violation of state preemption under the uniform firearms act of 1995? Maybe someone should bring that to his attention. 18 PA.C.S. § 6120 states, “No county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the […]

Newspapers ignored Latino Fest

“There was a Latino Fest and parade scheduled for today (Sept. 27, 2008). The Latino Fest was held at Lancaster Square; I saw three food stands, and a half dozen commercial booths. Attendance was light. “The parade was scheduled for 1PM, and was to follow Orange St. from Broad to Queen, then pass a reviewing […]