Tag: Letters to the Editor

F&M arrogance

Your editorial on the town/gown relationship in Lancaster was excellent and particularly timely, considering the recent press coverage of F&M’s Railroad Relocation Plan. The traditional respect that existed between the College and the surrounding Community has been severely eroded since John Fry became president of F&M. The arrogance of Keith Orris, who is second in […]

TRRAAC Effort: The Inevitability of The Big Five

Does anybody really believe that the Dillerville switching yard will not be relocated from the Armstrong dump site to behind the Post Office off of Harrisburg Ave? The Rail Road Action & Advisory Committee (TRRAAC) should be commended for their efforts in dissuading this relocation. But, why am I so sure that this relocation will […]

F & M not open to press

I find it amusing that a letter writer should take NewsLanc to task for one-sided reporting on the TRRAAC meeting last night. The writer obviously had not read NewsLanc’s site, since recently an article appeared about F&M’s response to the TRRAAC alternative. Perhaps the reason many news outlets carry more from the TRRAAC perspective is […]

NewsLanc should post both sides of the story

I saw your report on the Traacc meeting and it seems your site is doing exactly what you accuse the Lancaster Newspapers of doing, which is reporting one side of the story without even bothering to contact the other. Did Newslanc try to call John Fry or anyone else from F&M for comment? I realize […]

Spend and tax mentality

This AM Harrisburg announced that we are going to have the biggest deficit ever! Forget the grant money that trickles down from Federal to State to County to Municipality. Forget the promises from the State and the County. We are going to see tax hikes on all levels because of all the spend and tax […]

Voter fraud a conspiracy theory?

This stuff makes a nice conspiracy theory, but that’s about all. If Obama does not win Pennsylvania you will be crying “election fraud”, I’m sure. Problem is, no one has actually been able to demonstrate an actual case of voter fraud. The left (why is always from the left?) has made a lot of noise, […]

Election machine manufacturers suppress report

Sad how we cannot even rely on the courts for transparency in U.S. elections. See below: (Washington, D.C.) – Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) today issued the following statement in response to the New Jersey Superior Court’s failure to release the report of computer security experts describing what they found in their analysis of two of […]

Choice between litigation or insulated windows

In response to the recent material posted by F&M and the statements from Keith Orris, I make the following suggestions to those who oppose F&M’s actions regarding the Harrisburg Pike property…litigate or go home. It is clear that F&M is not budging and no amount of reason will get them off their predetermined course. The […]

Concern about voting machine testing

We are up against clueless officials here in Pennsylvania. At the state level they are apparently saying they can send out a hash to verify software because “no one ever asked for it and we don’t have a protocol.” At the county level, counties are running some automated L & A tests and think they […]

Marriott to be three-star hotel

The hotel will be a 3-star/diamond hotel. Backers will purposely use terms such as “first-class” and “business-class” as a diversion. Remember, this project was sold, by them at their choosing, as a four-star hotel to be different. As the only four-star property of significant size in the marketplace this “private” hotel was to be different […]