Tag: Letters to the Editor

Questions value of “citizen initative”

The false promise of “citizen initiative” is nothing more than a red herring, designed to distract people from the negatives of the currently proposed “home rule” charter – and there are many. All it would take is a typical publicity campaign by the Lancaster Chamber or the Lancaster Newspapers to discourage people from signing a […]

Tom Baldrige to become County Administrator?

It certainly is within the realm of possibility [that Tom Baldridge would be named county administrator.] As head of the Lancaster Alliance, Tom Baldrige was the individual most responsible for pushing the hotel and convention center project. As head of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tom Baldrige has been the individual most responsible […]

Homerule empowers people

I love conspiracies as much as the next guy so I understand your concern with the chamber’s involvement. That being said – the home rule charter FINALLY gives the citizens the power to modify and force issues on the ballot where the PEOPLE can make the call. Additionally – unlike now – home rule can […]

Post missing out

I have been saying the same thing since the Post began. It has been all about Ron and his personal agenda. There are many other stories out there that need to be told, which are never covered by our local newspapers or TV. These personal attacks on people are getting really old and dragging down […]

C of C a self serving network group

These special projects NEED funds and where better than taxes! The state and federal government are going to really clamp down on special project grants in the future; there is not enough money for the pork any more. The Chamber of Commerce is like a network group. They need each other to survive. It promotes […]

Others comment on Home Rule:

1) From www.homerulegamble.com: By an overwhelming majority, the Republican Committee of Lancaster County voted to NOT endorse the home rule charter and asks you to vote NO on the question of its adoption on the November 4 ballot.” 2) “Looks like it should be homeruleGRUMBLE.com” 3) “If ‘home rule’ is passed, there will be a […]

“Not questions and answers”

“Interestingly, Mayor Rick Gray refused to answer the NewsLanc reporter’s questions during the public comment section of City Council’s agenda, saying ‘This is public comment, not question and answer. If you want to ask me questions, I’d be glad to answer them afterwards…’” Clearly Rick Gray has studied at the Jim Pickard and the Ted […]

Who generates “skepticism and disbelief?”

In Jack Brubaker’s “Rail yard” story in Friday’s New Era (Oct. 10), statements by John Fry and Keith Orris were given considerably more coverage than those of Bill Cluck, TRRAAC’s environmental attorney. And F&M was given its customary last word. All this suggests that the story was intentionally slanted toward F&M. But it is possible […]

Economic Development Company of Lancaster County

Please take a look at this web site, the organization and who makes up this board. http://www.edclancaster.com/ Do we have a lot of organizations that intertwine within each other? Editor’s Reply: Without reference to this specific situation, often organization create boards of a score of local luminaries to impress and facilitate. When there are so […]

Tax payers, not F&M, paying for clean up

By reading several letters-to-the editor in Lancaster Newspapers, it is apparent that the public has several misconceptions about F&M and the Railroad Relocation Project. These misconceptions are: (1) the entire area that was formerly used as a city dump will be cleaned-up and (2) F&M is paying for all of the clean-up. The facts are: […]

Will New Era acknowledge it panicked?

[An article from the London Times] (http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/banking_and_finance/article4922981.ece) confirms your commentary from October 2 that the bailout was not well thought out and that the haste of its passage by our legislators, at the panicked urging of the administration, failed to produce a plan that would work. I wonder if the New Era will step up […]

More re street car display

[Parking the street car on the pubic property] needs to be questioned. If so, then everyone should have the same accessibility to that lot, if in need. Mayor Gray should be asked these questions: Was there a request, to whom and for what amount of rent to the city. Who put it there? Was there […]

Street car a mis-use of city property?

One of the old streetcars already purchased by the Lancaster Streetcar Co. is on display on the vacant lot at Prince & Chestnut Sts. This lot is owned by the City of Lancaster, purchased as a part of the police station project. I am concerned that this streetcar is being openly displayed on a Lancaster […]