Tag: Letters to the Editor

Bad timing?

[Not renovating the library] is bizarre. The Dow closed up over 10% yesterday, so maybe it’s not the end of the world after all! I guess if it doesn’t involve High and huge public grants it just doesn’t get done. Or maybe the timing of a key go/no go decision was bad. I feel sorry […]

Home Rule initiative a sham

The proposed “home rule” charter’s limited provision for “citizen initiative and referendum” is nothing more than a false promise. This particular proposed “home rule” charter includes far too many exclusions and limitations to make this concept effective. For example, consider this passage from the proposed “home rule” charter: *Section 6.02 Subjects of Initiative. a. Each […]

Favors Home Rule

I’m voting for Home Rule. Five commissioners are better than three. The provision for referendums is very important – no more convention centers, Conestoga View real estate giveaways, or ill-conceived YICs. Also – more efficient, less political management of county government. Power to the people!

Lehigh Valley Convention Center shuttered

I was in Easton over the weekend. I spoke to a colleague who is a principle player in the Lehigh Valley Revitalization group. She mentioned that the new Lehigh Valley convention Center has been shuttered, and the Sands has halted plans for the hotel to adjoin the new casino on the Bethlehem Steel site. FYI, […]

Keeping the merry go round going

It has been so long since I have heard the word “revitalization.” What happened with that direction? As I drive through Lancaster City I am seeing all the corners redone to accommodate disabilities. The few restaurants and shops are struggling more than those outside of the City due to the economy. Real estate sales that […]

Railyard / suburban housing not good mix

Homeowners who live in the Northwest Revitalization District, such as myself, have been told that our property values will increase with the relocation of the Norfolk-Southern Rail yard from F&M’s North Campus into a suburban residential area called Barrcrest. When the news first broke about these plans, I drove into the Barrcrest neighborhood to see […]

Do F & M Trustees have any clue..?

I am not usually in the habit of bursting out laughing when reading articles at the NewsLanc website. That changed tonight as I read your article titled “F&M’s John Fry continues to hide from interviews. By the time I got to the end of the piece, I was checking the calendar — no, it isn’t […]

Teach “Good Samaritan” policy to our children

NewsLanc.com’s most recent editorial, “Three Part Tragedy”, bowled me over. I had no idea that there exists a “Good Samaritan” policy related to reporting drug overdoses. Please continue to work to ensure that this policy is taught to our children. And thank you for being a powerful voice of reason in this “War on Drugs” […]

Home Rule best serves Lancaster County

The Chamber of Commerce as well as many Republicans and Democrats throughout the County have endorsed the proposed Charter based on our collective belief that Lancaster County residents are best served by a county government created by Lancaster County residents, and not subject to the one-size-fits-all, state-mandated form we operate under today. The Charter ties […]

Fiscal conservative only for others?

Some time when your journalists/researchers have a little time they should try to figure out how much money Joe Pitts will get from fixed benefit pensions and the like. There is no question that when he retires he will get multiples of what he ever earned working. Dining/gorging at the government trough while holding himself […]

Will newspapers slant TRRAAC response?

An out-of-state reader of NewsLanc sent an email to a resident of Lancaster County following the publication of NewsLanc’s commentary headed “TRRAAC attorney fires back at F&M; Charges false allegations”. The email reads: Now that the lawyers are involved in the matter, the newspapers will be obligated to publish the news to the citizens. Will […]

County Administrators should be elected

I’m not opposed to the concept of home rule, I’m only opposed to any proposed charter that would make things worse instead of better. And the currently proposed “home rule” charter would be guaranteed to create more problems than it would solve. Early drafts of this charter clearly spelled out that the “county executive” was […]