Tag: Letters to the Editor

A suggested “Old Pro” account

A thought for your NewsLanc series on successful leaders in business. It might be an opportune time to have your readers renew acquaintance with Milton Hershey. I would suspect that the majority of local residents do not really know his story. He twice failed in business ventures before finding his enormous success. During the height […]

Does F & M do the same?

Interesting piece about Harvard. Hopefully it will provide the motivation to at least one, if not many more, of our brightest urban youth to strive for more. The real question is whether or not F&M would offer the same to those in their own backyard?

Needs to be known

Kudos. Two really good pieces today — the TRRAAC editorial (thank you!), and the sharing of the e-mail re: library renovation (that really needed to be known!) I always (well, almost always!) appreciate Newslanc.

‘Yes’ vote will lead to rip offs

Why was there money from the National Chamber of Commerce funneled in here? Why are we so important? Big business needs fuel, money. Projects can get approved and allocated much faster than the current form of government that has checks and balances in place. This has been planned since Lancaster Alliance has run into road […]

“Human irregularities” undermine exit polls

What a fascinating perspective: exit polls are more accurate than the actual vote count. I have a completely different perspective. Call it the ego-factor. Ask anyone what periodicals they read, while you take notes. A good percentage will answer: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or one of the Lancaster Newspapers. Hardly any […]

Chamber spending $100,000 for “Yes” votes

Is it legal for an organization which exists to represent special interests to spend tens of thousands of dollars to heavily promote a change in government? Specifically, is it legal for the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which represents the interests of business, to spend a reported $100,000 in an attempt to get people […]

Exit polls can have great value

Those who have watched recent elections closely are aware that there has been a disparity between exit polls and recent voting outcomes. Because of the serious problems with voting machines, failure to count provisional ballots or absentee ballots, spoiled ballots and other issues, it is quite possible that the exit poll is actually more accurate […]

Lancaster Post suspension “a little sad”

Very surprised to read your piece announcing the suspension of publishing for the Lancaster Post. As one who enjoys reading a newspaper on actual paper, it made me a little sad. The Post was not a great paper. But then again, great papers are not built in 6 short months. It had its very interesting […]

“A great observation”

As I have said over and over to those who have ask why don’t we just give the Convention Center “a shot”, my answer is always the same…the CC will take the City three steps back, not two steps forward. The CC’s never ending need for resources and subsidy will all but kill other revitalization […]

Board failed to take advantage of the funds

Re the letter: “Have the board members used the restrooms?” WOW, what a powerful message from someone who states the obvious! The Lancaster Library offers so much to the citizens of Lancaster and there was an opportunity to bring the facility up to the standards of many modern libraries. I feel strongly that once our […]

Have board members used the restrooms?

As a regular user of the Duke Street library, I am very disappointed that the board of directors failed to take advantage of the best opportunity in years to begin the process of bringing this building into the 21st century. Have the six naysayer board members ever actually patronized the library, other than showing up […]

Lancaster could lose its newspapers

I don’t know if you noticed that the Christian Science Monitor has now stopped all their print editions. From this point forward they will only be online. Neighborhood papers that have a local following will survive longer in a print edition because they have a local economic anchor — department store ads. Print editions are […]