Tag: Letters to the Editor

Questions NewsLanc source re $10 million grant

“Your article says the $10 million State grant is to connect the streets. City officials told me Lancaster City needs to pay to connect the streets with its own funds. “Lancaster City plans to pay for this with a bond sale paid for with funds from a Tax Incremental Finance district, 50% of all increased […]

Cover-up at the prison?

I have learned that the mother of the prisoner who allegedly committed suicide in the Lancaster County Prison is quite alive. I have not confirmed this but hope to tomorrow. This is a huge, horrible cover-up by the prison and LNP. How about some truth to power newslanc? Chris Hart Nibbrig did the one excellent […]

Railyard information being withheld

…this money was only for the street relocation and not the actual move of the railyard. This is why the public should have the opportunity to review the application [to relocate the railyard]. If this project provides all of the benefits touted by the project partners and governor, then it should have been able to […]

Library System’s outrageous rent

After Steve McDonald made his presentation I was appalled at the rent they are paying!!! That is outrageous!! Read the minutes when posted of this weeks meeting. [Susan] Hauer vowed to be present every meeting and the Commissioners sincerely have a deaf ear.

Off with their heads!

I say the US government should condition loans on every single executive over the level of department head immediately resigning. We saw with [General Moters disasterous investment in] Fiat that only once the old corporate head has been decapitated can a new generation of innovative managers begin the task of rebuilding a car company.

LETTER: NewsLanc maligns car sales persons

“WATCHDOG: NewsLanc has as much confidence in these over paid and under competent auto executives as we do in their used car salesmen on their lots.” Hey! I can’t believe you would slur used car salesmen like this. Comparing them to the bums running the car companies is just plain mean! Editor’s response: Our mistake. […]

Streetcars would impede fire ladder trucks

I’ve been reading your site and have agreed with the negative aspects being pointed out about the streetcar. One issue that I have not yet seen raised in any forum is the impact that the streetcars will have on the City’s fire service. The city Bureau of Fire operates two ladder trucks. Truck 1 has […]

Learned typing in 9th grade

I was taught typing in 9th Grade while at Reynold Junior High School. It was actually 30 years ago this semester that we tapped away on the electric typewriters and where I learned the home keys and use of the QWERTY keyboard that allows me to bang out words on the computer to this day. […]

Announcement of Yellow Cab service

Does this mean that the trolley is dead in the water for an easier mode of transportation from the train station? I just stopped to get a ticket from Altoona back to Lancaster this Friday. The fair with my AAA discount was $36.00. That is very reasonable. Perhaps AFTER the millions get spent to spruce […]