There has been “press” to relocate the [North Museum] to the soon to be empty Bulova Building on Lancaster Square… The city is already burdened with 25% of properties within it’s limits as nonprofit … Yes, they may argue it brings in secondary “benefits” (a claim F&M waves in everyone’s face about there own existence), […]
Tag: Letters to the Editor
Wachovia’s come uppence!
What a joke. Wachovia who was very liberal with its lending procedures is now owned by Wells Fargo which is VERY Conservative and will make Billions from the buyout as per a discussion over dinner in Denver last week with a Wells Fargo official. Editor: Wachovia’s stock holders aren’t amused. Moreover, the people of Lancaster […]
Link provides information on Open Records Statute
An article in today’s Intelligencer Journal (not available online) provides a link to the State website that has information about the new Pennsylvania Open Records law. For anyone who files “Right-To-Know” requests, this site provides important information.
Hundreds of cameras
Orwell’s ghost grinned when the Sunday News hit the stands. Maybe it’s a sign of our time when a liberal-minded reporter like Gil Smart pens a piece lauding the fact that the people of Lancaster will be watched over by a jury of nincompoops in a viewing booth. He found no source for a dissenting […]
Is General Hospital really "by your side"?
…Can I really trust my doctors in the Lancaster General Health (LGH) system? After all, the hospital’s top administration officials are partners–along with Franklin & Marshall College (F&M) and Norfolk Southern (NS)–to dig up a former municipal dump and replace it with a Norfolk Southern switching yard. There are many problems with the switching yard […]
TRRAAC refutes propaganda, explains progress
I want to say how much I admire the work you are doing… My sympathies and concern are with the residents of School Lane Hills, Barrcrest and the Farmingdale Road area, in regards to the unenviable situation (the Dillerville Rail Yard that F&M wants to put in their midst) in which they find themselves… For […]
Negligent planning by prior CC board
The original operational budget for the convention center only included a minimal (I think 5%) reserve for maintenance, repair, and replacement. Within the last year, the LCCCA Finance Committee headed by Laura Douglas with active support from R.B. Campbell – was able to change the rules so that a much greater maintenance reserve fund will […]
Lehigh Valley CC closes doors
I could reiterate that the new Lehigh Valley Convention Center went out of business and shuttered its doors a few months ago.
Prison no Tuperware party
While I agree with your editorial about media culpability in sensationalizing certain crimes, I have a question. How would the other inmates know who the new inmate is, or what crime he is charged with? That information could only come from the guards at the prison. I don’t believe that going to prison is like […]
Dillersville Rail Yard controversy
In reference to the Dillerville Rail Yard, this project should have been under the direction of an independent board – with absolutely no connections with either F&M or Norfolk Southern – from the start. (LGH has simply gone along for the ride, pardon the pun.)
Bulova building made better CC site
When the negative PKF convention center feasibility study was done in 2006 there was still time to change course. The consulting firm had it right but the powers that be did their usual circus act to make the nay sayers look stupid. This convention center of ours could not have been put in a worse […]
Streetcar backers’ motivations differ
In answer to your question about streetcar backers, I would suggest that both options are correct. While I have questioned the motives of some with regards to other ill conceived projects, most specifically the convention center, I honestly believe there are those who deceive with selfish/profit motives, PSP; and those who push the project because […]
Ask the mayor
In reference to your question: “Why doesn’t the city charge plumbing inspection fees?” I was wondering that myself when I read the news coverage of the last council meeting. Why don’t you call City Hall and get the answer for us (since Lancaster Newspaper dropped the ball again on this issue)? Editor note: Thanks. We […]
Who pays for railyard study?
NewsLanc and TRAACCC want a public study of alternate locations for the railyard relocation? Who pays for this, taxpayers in general? And since the railroad has already said that none of the proposed alternatives are viable, what happens if the taxpayers pay for the study and the railroad reiterates this conclusion? TRAACCC simply doesn’t want […]