Tag: featured


“The American Freedom Law Center, which ‘defends America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values,’ wrote: ‘It has come to pass that the widespread use of contraceptives has indeed harmed women physically, emotionally, morally, and spiritually — and has, in many respects, reduced her to the “mere instrument for the satisfaction of (man’s) own desires.”

Growing Demands for UN Drug Policy Reform

The United Nations’ Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has wrapped up the High-Level Segment portion of its annual meeting in Vienna. The session revealed schisms among countries about future steps on global drug control even as the global drug bureaucrats gave signs of softening in some policy areas, especially around emphasizing public health as opposed to criminalization.

Kane hires Sprague for possible defamation suits

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: State Attorney General Kathleen Kane has hired one of the most feared litigators in the region, Richard A. Sprague, to represent her in possible defamation suits arising from accounts of her decision to end an undercover investigation that taped at least five Philadelphia Democrats accepting cash or gifts.

Belated Oscar Commentary

The show itself was mostly engaging, studded with the occasional rude joke, two dynamic music numbers, and a nostalgic look back at the recently departed. There was the average quotient of self-importance about the proceedings, ameliorated by some welcome nastiness, (think Ellen’s remarks on Liza Minelli,) and a handful of stand-out screw-ups.

Who cares if it’s true?

In the newsrooms of this moment, with growing agreement that audiences want information that is true, journalists are coming together around the same basic questions: When is information sufficiently baked to be served up as accurate? Who decides? Should there be rules, or just ideals?