Tag: featured

Uninsured Rate Drops To New Low As Obamacare Sign-Ups Surg

Gallup’s latest data is also proof that Obamacare is working to insure the people who need health coverage most. According to the poll results, which are based on telephone interviews with a random sample of 14,704 adults, the uninsured rate of people from households earning less than $36,000 a year has fallen by 5.5 percent since the end of 2013, more than any other income subgroup.

Strengthen protection of waterways

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Editorial: Last month, U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R., Pa.) joined forces with 14 of his Senate colleagues in opposing a new Environmental Protection Agency rule that would help protect the drinking water of 117 million Americans, including eight million Pennsylvanians, by restoring the Clean Water Act to its original purpose…

Rob McCord best of a fine field

More than five years as Pennsylvania’s treasurer has given McCord highly relevant experience as an elected statewide official and government executive. He leads a department of nearly 400 employees with a budget of $36 million following significant reductions during his tenure.

Rendell and Casey blast McCord ad

PHILLY.COM: …The 30-second spot questions why Wolf served as chairman of the 2001 reelection campaign of York Mayor Charlie Robertson, who was indicted the day after the primary on murder charges in the death of a black woman during the city’s 1969 race riots, when he was a police officer.

Is Tom Wolf a second Milton Shapp?

Mr. Shapp overcame their determined opposition by using his millions to smother the state with television advertising. The marriage of television and politics is so complete today, it’s hard to recall that once they were nearly strangers.

Why Economics Failed

NEW YORK TIMES COLUMN: On Wednesday, I wrapped up the class I’ve been teaching all semester: “The Great Recession: Causes and Consequences.” (Slides for the lectures are available via my blog.) And while teaching the course was fun, I found myself turning at the end to an agonizing question: Why, at the moment it was most needed and could have done the most good, did economics fail?

LETTER: A Request from activist Kevin Zeese

I was among those joining the YES Men in announcing a new clean energy program at a Homeland Security Conference.The energy would be produced on Indian reservations and provide enough energy for the whole country — and provide Native People’s with funding for their communities as well as end wars for oil

Soft on Putin? Blame big oil.

The U.S. economy ought, in theory, to be able to cut off trade relations with Russia if American politicians were committed to the task: U.S. trade with Russia is worth about $38 billion, a tiny percentage of U.S. GDP. But for certain well-placed companies, especially in the energy sector, the consequences could be drastic.

Changed Life of the Poor: Better Off, but Far Behind

NEW YORK TIMES: … …Indeed, despite improved living standards, the poor have fallen further behind the middle class and the affluent in both income and consumption. The same global economic trends that have helped drive down the price of most goods also have limited the well-paying industrial jobs once available to a huge swath of working Americans.