Tag: featured

The happiest countries in the world (Not us)

In the U.S., life satisfaction continued to drop, from 14th in last year’s report to 17th in this year’s report. This is despite the fact the U.S. led all nations in both disposable income and household net wealth per capita. One reason, Boarini highlighted, was that inequality remained pervasive in the United States

Biking to work increases 60% in past decade

“In recent years, many communities have taken steps to support more transportation options, such as bicycling and walking,” said Brian McKenzie, a Census Bureau sociologist and author of the report. “For example, many cities have invested in bike share programs, bike lanes and more pedestrian-friendly streets.” …

Glass half full of nothing

A draft plan circulated this week ignores some of the key problems with the booze monopoly, and would retain much of it. Rather than turning over the alcoholic beverage industry to the private sector and limiting the state to its legitimate roles of regulation and enforcement, the Senate plan would pander to private interests.

PA lawmakers get stern warnings from three major credit rating agencies

“Pennsylvania faces fiscal pressures in the form of a structurally unbalanced budget, depleted reserves, and a rapidly growing pension cost burden following years of underfunding and market-driven investment declines,” Fitch warned on April 24. “Continued inability to address these concerns, or worsening of any of these conditions, over the near term could trigger further negative rating action.”

Asking Students to Question Holocaust to Be Revised

KTLA 5: The Rialto school district planned to revise an eighth-grade assignment that raised red flags by asking students to consider arguments about whether the Holocaust — the systematic killing by the Nazis of some 6 million Jews and millions of others — was not an “actual event” but instead a “propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.”…