Tag: featured

For Lessons About Class, a Field Trip Takes Students Home

Still, for all of the school’s commitment to diversity, openly acknowledging who lived where and how well was complicated. It became easier for the parents when they realized that the children had no issues with it; at 4 or 5, they’re still a few years away from wielding the word “rich” as a weapon or experiencing deep and lasting class envy.

Google bows to EU privacy ruling

FINANCIAL TIMES: A landmark “right to be forgotten” ruling against Google in Europe risks damaging the next generation of internet start-ups and strengthening the hand of repressive governments looking to restrict online communications, Larry Page, the search company’s chief executive officer, has warned.

PDCVB Votes to Support the Updated Convention Center Financing Plan Collaboration Agreement

“I greatly appreciate the continued support of PDCVB and its’ members,” stated Commissioner Martin. “It is important that this plan, which addresses 7 years of revenues and 7 years of expenditures and provides a bridge of financial stability as we await the opportunity to establish a long term plan in the future, is supported and adopted by all the stakeholders.”