Tag: featured

Smart ALEC spoon feeds GOP officeholders

The Republicans have a national strategy to capture state legislatures, according to a New York Times, January article by Nicholas Confessore. The game plan is working. Heading into the 2014 General Election, 23 states are now solely controlled by Republicans and 15 by Democrats.

Corbett’s gifts spur ethics complaint

Isn’t there an appearance of conflict or impropriety? Does being governor just entitle you to perks? Even if you reject arguments against taking gifts on an ethical level, there’s the practical political consideration. You leave yourself open to attack, just as is happening now.…

Convention Center Authority approves Scott Martin proposal

The Board members understood the draw back of the county providing a guarantee in perpetuity while the interest rate formula is only for five years, a 1.1% savings over what otherwise would have been charged. However, it was the view of members of the authority that Commissioner Scott Martin had fought a long and hard battle and left no stone unturned in negotiating the concessions achieved, and no good would be served by the Board refusing to go along.

Lawyers plan to depose NCAA, Penn State officials

“We’re looking for the inner workings of how they reached the consent decree,” said Matthew Haverstick, a lawyer with the firm Conrad O’Brien, who is representing Corman. Haverstick said he plans to question officials and retrieve documents and emails that would shed light about how the deal was reached.