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“In all, Lancaster General Hospital voluntarily pays $6 million a year to Lancaster city, county and school districts and municipalities where it has facilities… “Yet the payments are a fraction of what they would be had the nonprofit hospital been on the tax rolls.

Why America Is Losing the Health Race

[Steven Woolf, of Virginia Commonwealth University,] explained this disparity by citing the work of the British social epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson, who has proposed that income inequality generates adverse health effects even among the affluent. Wide gaps in income, Wilkinson argues, diminish our trust in others and our sense of community, producing, among other things, a tendency to underinvest in social infrastructure. Furthermore, Woolf told me, even wealthy Americans are not isolated from a lifestyle filled with oversized food portions, physical inactivity, and stress. Consider the example of paid parental leave, for which the United States ranks dead last among O.E.C.D. countries. It’s not hard to see how such policies might have implications for infant and child health.

Political events unkind to Sestak

Sestak’s interest in politics and governance has always been clearly at the Federal level. His grasp of defense, foreign affairs and national security remains impressive. Being a retired admiral and advisor in such matters to President Clinton provide a solid background.