Tag: featured

Obama: After 9-11, US ‘Tortured Some Folks’

Addressing the impending release of a Senate report that criticizes CIA treatment of detainees, Obama said he believed the mistreatment happened because of the pressure national security officials felt to forestall another attack. He said Americans should not be too “sanctimonious,” about passing judgment through the lens of a seemingly safer present day.

A Test for the European Union

NEW YORK TIMES Editorial: In a speech on Saturday, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary said his country was done with liberal democracy. Mr. Orban cited Russia, Turkey and China as “successful” examples of the kind of “illiberal new state based on national foundations” that he wants Hungary to be.

Warning to Pittsburgh libraries: Be careful about what you seek

In a budget proposal designed to “preserve the unique relationship each library has with its community,” the County-City Library Service Panel has expressly resisted the consolidation of print collections or the closing of library branches. Rather, it seeks to reduce costs through the creation of a single entity responsible for digital and intra-library services throughout the county — leaving the autonomy and character of each library largely intact.

The C.I.A.’s Reckless Breach of Trust

On Thursday, the Central Intelligence Agency admitted that it did, indeed, use a fake online identity to break into the Senate’s computers, where documents connected to a secret report on the agency’s detention and torture program were being stored. Mr. Brennan apologized privately to Ms. Feinstein and to Senator Saxby Chambliss, the vice chairman of the intelligence committee, and promised to set up an accountability board to determine who did the hacking and whether and how they should be punished…