Tag: featured

Fear and loathing in Hungary

One would think that such an oppressive political climate combined with rising poverty levels would result in greater disaffection, if not open rebellion as it did in 1956.  But EU membership serves as an enormous safety valve on Hungarian society.  Anyone fed up with the “Christian nationalist” government of Viktor Orbán is at liberty to pack up and move to Germany or England, which is precisely what hundreds of thousands of Hungarians have done since Viktor Orbán and Fidesz returned to power in 2010.

TSUKERMAN: Attitude of Russian public to Putin’s bombing of Syria

Russia’s bombing of Syria “The Government’s decision is consistent with international law and the mentality of our people, that is for peacekeeping, the moral, the active role that Russia has always played in different parts of the world, especially in the Middle East… The fight against terrorism, the struggle for justice and peace, for the dignity of people who are experiencing the challenge of terrorism – is the sacred struggle.”