Tag: featured

Why It’s Time to Legalize Prostitution

As with the drug trade, much of the violence associated with sex work is exacerbated by its illegality. Violent people are more likely to prey on sex workers, confident that they won’t be reported to police. This leaves workers dependent on pimps and madams for protection, which often leads to more violence.

Ron Tomalis probe demands continue

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: A day after the resignation of Ron Tomalis, special adviser to the governor on higher education, calls continued Wednesday for investigations into whether he was a “ghost employee” and into the state Department of Education’s email retention policy.


In this case, though, no matter what Penn State alumni trustees may dream of accomplishing, the NCAA is not going to suddenly say, “Gee, we were wrong, We’re reinstating JoePa’s victories, restoring all scholarships, and lifting the bowl ban.”

Capitalizing on U.S. Bombing, Kurds Retake Iraqi Towns

One senior Iraqi official said that overnight Mr. Maliki had also positioned more tanks and extra units of special forces soldiers loyal to him in the fortified Green Zone of government buildings in Baghdad. The official said Mr. Maliki had “gone out of his mind, and lives on a different planet — he doesn’t appreciate the mess he has created.”