Tag: featured

Who is Olga Kulygina?

On September 30 Russian and Ukrainian media reported that, during a cease fire, there was an exchange of “prisoners of war” between pro–Russian militants and the Ukrainian government. The pro–Russian militants exchanged seventeen prisoners, including officers, for one woman – Olga Kulygina.

If you are dying, how do you want to spend your time?

I also discovered that the discussion most successful clinicians had with the patients involved just a few important questions that often unlocked transformative possibilities: (10 What is their understanding of their health or condition? (2) What are their goals if their health worsens? (3) What are their fears? And (4) What are the trade-offs they are willing to make not willing to make?

Wolf maintains large lead over Corbett with month left in governor’s campaign

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Robert Morris University Polling Institute found 54.6 percent of voters say the Sandusky case would not affect their vote, according to an online survey sponsored by Trib Total Media. Almost 27 percent say Corbett’s handling of the investigation makes them less likely to support his re-election, and 12 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for Corbett.

In Secret Service, Some Blacks See a Flawed Shield for the President

“It is something that is widespread in black circles,” said Representative Emanuel Cleaver II of Missouri, who like Mr. Cummings is an African-American Democrat who has been approached repeatedly by voters expressing such a concern. “I’ve been hearing this for some time: ‘Well, the Secret Service, they’re trying to expose the president.’ You hear a lot of that from African-Americans in particular.”

Kudos to Mayor Gray for altering job application forms

Potential applicants are fearful of disclosing past criminal offenses. Either they don’t apply, or they fail to disclose the information and thus disqualify themselves. The only time that a conviction can be lawfully used to disqualify an employee is when it suggests a future risk in that position. Someone who embezzled cannot be refused a job raking leaves.