Tag: featured

Medical Marijuana Update

On Monday,officials announced that a medical marijuana pilot program was getting underway. Three children’s hospitals and the Department of Health are doing a research study on the use of CBD cannabis oil in children.

Investigation Into Missing Iraqi Cash Ended in Lebanon Bunker

NEW YORK TIMES: Not long after American forces defeated the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein in 2003, caravans of trucks began to arrive at Andrews Air Force Base outside Washington on a regular basis, unloading an unusual cargo — pallets of shrink-wrapped $100 bills. The cash, withdrawn from Iraqi government accounts held in the United States, was loaded onto Air Force C-17 transport planes bound for Baghdad, where the Bush administration hoped it would provide a quick financial infusion forIraq’s new government and the country’s battered economy.

One column, three subjects

1) Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, gave a short but trenchant analysis of the ISIS danger on Good Morning America, stating that if the USA introduces our troops on the ground, we will start a twenty year war against Islam that will spread from the Middle East through Asia.