Tag: featured

PSU, NCAA must explain

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS EDITORIAL: The question of why Penn State University’s leadership agreed to arbitrary, unwarranted sanctions against the football program in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal, which the National Collegiate Athletic Association had no authority to impose on its own, is an enduring mystery.

Canada’s Largest Addiction Center Calls for Marijuana Legalization

“We’ve known for a long time that the existing approach to cannabis policy is not working,” said Dr. Rehm. “We want this framework to add to an informed discussion about the future of cannabis policy and to serve as a guide to the factors that need to be considered in order to come to a solution that is the most beneficial for public health. We believe that the best solution is a system of legalization combined with strict regulation of cannabis.”

The Risks of Cheap Water

Two studies to be presented at a forum next week organized by the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution and the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment make the case that markets and prices are an indispensable part of the tool kit to combat scarcity. They are essential to induce both conservation and investment in water-saving technology, and to steer water to where it is valued most…

C.I.A. Study of Covert Aid Fueled Skepticism About Helping Syrian Rebels

The still-classified review, one of several C.I.A. studies commissioned in 2012 and 2013 in the midst of the Obama administration’s protracted debate about whether to wade into the Syrian civil war, concluded that many past attempts by the agency to arm foreign forces covertly had a minimal impact on the long-term outcome of a conflict. They were even less effective, the report found, when the militias fought without any direct American support on the ground…

The Budapest Beacon turns one year old today

The Budapest Beacon turns one year old today. Although we did not time the Beacon’s launch so that its first anniversary would coincide with municipal elections, it is a fitting occasion for us to rededicate ourselves to writing fact-based news about Hungary in the hope of bringing about positive change.