Tag: featured

Only the New York Times and NewsLanc get Corbett’s unpopularity right

“Normally, central Pennsylvania would be pro-Corbett, because he is anti-tax and pro-business and because… well, he is a Republican. Not this year. Many remain enraged over Mr. Corbett’s handling of the Sandusky case. It’s not about Mr. Sandusky himself, a serial abuser of boys who will die in prison, but about the firing of the beloved head coach, Joe Paterno, and the casting of Penn State football into the pit of disgrace.”

Consumer Advisory: Vehicle Owners with Defective Airbags Urged to Take Immediate Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urges owners of certain Toyota, Honda, Mazda, BMW, Nissan, and General Motors vehicles to act immediately on recall notices to replace defective Takata airbags. The message comes with urgency, especially for owners of vehicles affected by the regional recalls in the following areas: Florida, Puerto Rico, Guam, Saipan, American Samoa, Virgin Islands and Hawaii.

LNP’s latest direction

We are not about to substitute our business judgment for that of the publishers of the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. We assume that they have studied the full embrace of local coverage carefully, noted how such a strategy has worked elsewhere, and been well advised by experts.

Reasons why Corbett short on agenda

Corbett was first elected in 2010 and came into office with the supposed advantage of both legislative chambers in control of his own Party. Other Republican governors like Ohio and Wisconsin swept into office the same year have been able to advance conservative agendas.

Henry Kissinger’s “World Order”

“At least three viewpoints are identifiable in Arab attitudes: a small, dedicated, but not very vocal group accepting genuine coexistence with Israel and prepared to work for it; a much larger group seeking to destroy Israel by permanent confrontation; and those will to negotiate with Israel but justifying negotiations, at least cosmetically, in part as a means to overcome the Jewish state in stages.