Tag: featured

Low turnout could re-elect Corbett

In fact, the predicted low turnout remains the only factor preventing everyone from forecasting that Democrat Tom Wolf will send Republican Tom Corbett into the history books as the first PA governor to not succeed for a second term since the state constitution was changed to permit succession in 1970.

Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts, describes the real dangers with Ecstasy

Ecstasy, or ‘Molly’ as it’s now being called, can cause hyperthermia – extreme overheating. That’s why it’s so important to stay hydrated. Even then, the conditions in which people use ecstasy can make a difference: if a person is in the middle of a large crowd of people dancing and sweating, they face a greater risk than if they were at home or in some other safer environment.

7 Cities Expose What Gentrification Is Doing

wenty-five years ago, the term “gentrification” was largely unfamiliar to the average American. Today, you can’t talk about cities, race, rent or overpriced coffee without bringing it up. It’s a hard phenomenon to measure, yet most agree its harbingers include the rapid influx of young, well-to-do white people into once low-income neighborhoods, often in the inner city, usually populated by people of color.

Fighting Stigmatization of Drug Users in Denver [

In many ways, ours is harsh, moralistic, and punitive society. One need only look at our world-leading incarceration rate to see the evidence. We like to punish wrongdoers, and our conception of wrongdoers often includes those who are doing no direct wrong to others, but who are doing things of which we don’t approve.