Tag: featured

Rein in asset forfeitures

The Constitution’s Fifth Amendment holds that no one may be “deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Yet asset forfeiture laws have allowed police to seize assets of people who are not even charged with crimes, much less convicted. Mere suspicion is not due process.

Three years after Jerry Sandusky scandal, fallout for Penn State, NCAA is hotter than ever

From the PSU-commissioned Freeh Report that some now see as a hatchet job on legendary coach Joe Paterno’s once-pristine legacy, the university’s hasty removal of the Paterno statue, which now appears to be MIA, to the willingness – some would say, eagerness – with which Penn State accepted the unprecedented slate of NCAA sanctions in consent decree, the board remains as much under a microscope as ever…

In ‘Whiplash,’ a Young Jazz Drummer vs. His Teacher

This story of an ambitious young striver and his difficult mentor could easily have been a sports movie, and structurally, it resembles one. There are montages of grueling practice scattered among scenes of tense competition, all of it building toward a hugely suspenseful (but also, to some extent, never in doubt) championship game moment of reckoning.

What is wrong with this picture?

Bottom Line: During those three weeks, think privatizing state stores. Think changing the electoral vote system for presidential campaigns from winner-take-all to one vote for each senatorial district. Think additional voter suppression techniques, business tax cuts, etc.