Tag: featured

A Hundred Years’ Failure: How did a law to regulate heroin traffic turn into the costly, futile War on Drugs?

During the Progressive Era, a culture war was raging over sexuality, alcohol and modern life—as seen in efforts to censure pornography and eliminate “red light” districts—and prohibition offered the best hope of legislating moral certainty. While alcohol prohibition had the largest domestic constituency, drug prohibition fit with foreign policy interests.

The Big Global Drug Policy Stories of 2014

And then, in September, the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which includes Annan, former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso (Brazil), Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico) and Ruth Dreifuss (Switzerland), and others, issued a new report, Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Policies that Work. It boldy called on “governments to decriminalize a variety of illegal drugs and set up regulated drug markets within their own countries.”

Dilemma over deductibles: Costs crippling middle class

USA TODAY: …It’s a deep and common concern across the USA, where employer plans cover 60% of working-age Americans, or about 150 million people. Coverage long considered the gold standard of health insurance now often requires workers to pay so much out-of-pocket that many feel they must skip doctor visits, put off medical procedures, avoid filling prescriptions and ration pills — much as the uninsured have done.

“Whiplash” and “Wild”

“Birdman,” the movie I discussed last time, plays like one uninterrupted take studded with rapid fire dialogue that seems to burst spontaneously from its character’s guts. This season’s other compelling drama on the artistic life, “Whiplash,” is realized in a completely opposing style.