Tag: featured

It is time for Viktor Orbán to resign

Whatever the economic merits of Hungary’s opening to the East, by clearly allying himself and Hungary economically with Putin’s Russia (Paks II, Southstream, MET), he has emboldened Russia’s president to up the stakes in the Ukraine in the hope that the EU can be bullied into removing economic sanctions against Russia which, by all account, have brought the latter to its knees.

U.S. and India Share Sense of Unease Over China

He agreed to sign a joint statement with Mr. Obama chiding Beijing for provoking conflict with neighbors over control of the South China Sea. He suggested reviving a loose security network involving the United States, India, Japan and Australia. And he expressed interest in playing a greater role in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, where India could help balance China’s influence…

Don’t tell F & M but “Court ruling strips Millersville University police of jurisdiction on some roads”

At the time of the F & M Security Police mugging of innocent bystander Ron Harper in the state right-of-way across from the residence of college president John Fry, NewsLanc’s research encountered that state law provides full police power to campus police within half a mile of any college or university own property! This flabbergasted us.