Tag: featured

A produce stand or three families next door?

The Sunday News editorial “Exceptions to the rules” is sub-titled “In Manheim Township and Millersville borough, zoning violations were handled by the book. But what was missing was a chapter on the use of common sense.”

One issue had to do with setting up a produce stand in violation of the zoning code for a residential neighborhood. Another had to do with occupancy regulations of a zoning code.

LETTER: Another subsidized mall would be a crime

What High Industries will be arguing is that the public improvement project will enable the private investment thus giving a multiplier effect. The unions and contractors will support it because jobs in this sector have been hit hardest. The arguments against it seem to be: 1. We clearly do not need another shopping center. There are vacancies all over and we continue to build?

Empty downtown trash containers

It is gratifying to have visitors swarming to downtown Lancaster on Friday evenings and Saturdays to visit stores and take in the sights.

However on Saturdays they are greeted with the blight of overflowing city trash containers along the downtown sidewalks.

New School/Old School: “Easy A” and “Never Let Me Go”

Emma Stone, a relative newcomer, who showed she could hold her own opposite Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray in “Zombieland,” plays the lead in “Easy A,” a comic riff on “The Scarlett Letter” set in a California high school. And while Stone is challenged by an array of high power character actors, she quickly takes control of the picture and keeps it running one level above the material.

California Marijuana Legalization Measure Has Nine-Point Lead in Latest Poll

DRUG WAR CHRONICLE: Proposition 19 pot legalization initiative leads 47%-38% in the latest Public Policy Polling survey of likely voters. That’s good, but not great, news for the campaign. Good because nine points is a nice cushion six weeks out from election day. But not great because Prop 19 is still polling under 50% when it needs 50% plus one vote to win and because the race is closer than in the previous Public Policy Polling survey in July, when it led 52%-36%.

Onorato says Corbett waffling on health-care reform

From the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: [Democrat Dan] Onorato noted Wednesday that Attorney General Tom Corbett, the GOP’s gubernatorial nominee, in March joined a group of mostly Republican attorneys general around the country in filing suit to block the law on constitutional grounds. And in a letter to potential donors that month, Corbett wrote that “under no circumstances” would he go along with this “big-government, special-interest takeover of our health care.”

Federal Reserve contemplates playing its ‘hold card’

According to the Financial Times, “The [Federal Reserves’] open market committee said that ‘inflation is likely to remain subdued” as the economy continued to be weak, and that it is “prepared to provide additional support’ in the form of buying Treasuries to provide cash to lenders if needed.” This is done by increased purchases of treasury notes, thus flooding the financial institutions with funds.

Charlie Rose flummoxed by Ahmadinejad

Charlie Rose interviewed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran, for an hour broadcast on September 20 and seemed overwhelmed by the charm, at times facts, and logic of the Iranian president. When implicitly criticized for the reported a “stoning to death” sentence of a female, Ahmadinejad said the case of the woman murdering her husband was still before the Iranian courts, indicated he personally opposes capital punishment, and handed Rose a list of 35 women on death rows in the USA.

Zogby: Democrats Pulling Ahead of GOP

From NEWSMAX: Democrats have taken a one percentage point lead over Republicans on which party’s candidate voters intend to choose in the Congressional election; and President Barack Obama’s approval rating has increased to 49 percent. These results from a Zogby Interactive poll conducted from Sept. 17-20 are the first since mid-May that found the Democrats ahead in the Congressional generic ballot question.


A cartoon showing the Pennsylvania Academy of Music shooting himself in its foot is captioned “PAM prepares law suit against donors for reneging on pledges.” Below a crow says “They seem unwilling to face the music.”

Bizarre response accompanies LGH annual meeting date

After four attempts over a six week period, all sent to John Lines, Director of Public Relations and Communications, Lines has responded with the day and date of the Lancaster General Health “open” meeting which is Nov. 18th at 3:00 p. m. Contrary to the evidence, Lines would have us believe he had not received the message but, having learned via the NewsLanc web site, had responded on September 9th.


An editorial “A sharp rise in illegal-drug use” observes “The changing attitudes towards marijuana do not diminish the drug’s danger to society. While there may be some medicinal benefits, marijuana contains chemicals that can be harmful to a user’s health. Pro-marijuana groups argue that pot-smoking is no better or worse than cigarettes or alcohol use.