Tag: featured


A news article “Overdue museum debt tops $741,000” states “There hasn’t been any threat of breaking knee caps. No one has shown up at the door of the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County with brass knuckles.

No one has been there threatening the nonprofit architectural preservation organization to pay up, but the trust remains eight months behind in its debt.

Right wing conservatives turn backs on social compact

At the outset of his column “Rich wont’ put up with high taxes”, John Stossel says: “Progressives want to raise taxes on individuals who make more than $200,00 because they say it’s wrong for the rich to be ‘given’ more money. Sunday’s New York Times carries a cartoon showing Uncle Sam handing money to a fat cat. They just don’t get it.


Article “Trolley put on side track” would have us understand: “Nearly a decade after the idea was first raised, three years after it appeared federal funding for a 2.6-mile loop was imminent, the proposal to bring streetcars back to Lancaster has foundered. Backers, including Gray, continue to assert that a streetcar line would benefit the city, fostering economic development and improving transportation in the heart of downtown.

LETTER: How Charlie Rose should have interviewed Mahamoud Ahmadinejad

I was asked by friends if I saw Charlie Rose’s interview with Mahamoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, and how Ahmadinejad had disarmed Charlie Rose winning the arguments. I had seen the interview and I must say I was very much dismayed. I did see that Charlie Rose was not at his best. However, it was not so much that Ahmadinejad won the arguments but rather it was Charlie Rose who lost it.


An article headed “Rasmussen: All-Time Low of 34.6% Now Call Themselves Democrats” goes on to relate: “For the second month in a row, the number of Americans who identify themselves as Democrats has fallen to a record low — and to the smallest percentage of Democrats recorded in nearly eight years of monthly tracking.

Massive computer-driven sell order triggered May 6 plunge

USA TODAY: A massive computer-driven sell program initiated by a mutual fund company was the trigger for the May 6 stock market “flash crash” that sent the Dow tumbling almost 600 points in a matter of minutes and has left a lasting scar on Main Street investors, federal regulators say.

A report issued Friday by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) sheds some new light on what caused the market mayhem that day, a trading session that started out turbulent as fears surrounding the European debt crisis roiled global markets…

Pennsylvania risks ‘worst fiscal crisis’

From the PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW: State spending increased at nearly twice the rate of inflation since 2003 when Gov. Ed Rendell took office, and the state’s financial situation could worsen dramatically next year, Auditor General Jack Wagner said Wednesday. The state budget grew about 33 percent, from $21 billion to $28 billion, during Rendell’s tenure as the Consumer Price Index rose about 18 percent, Wagner said.

Architects, engineeers now pass the buck

The Watchdog is involved in a total renovation of a hotel as part of a conversion to another brand. For the first time in two decades, he is reviewing construction drawings.

Upon receipt of a detail from an architect, he contacted his construction consultant and asked why there was no indication on how pieces were to be affixed and installation take place.

Gallup: Voters Split Evenly Between Dems, GOP

From THE HILL: Registered voters are split over whether they will vote for a Republican or a Democrat in the November midterm elections, the latest Gallup generic ballot poll shows. The survey released Monday shows Democrats and the GOP in a 46-46 percent tie among those asked what party’s candidate they would vote for on Nov. 2.

Profiles in Timidity

From the NEW YORK TIMES: We are starting to wonder whether Congressional Democrats lack the courage of their convictions, or simply lack convictions.

Last week, Senate Democrats did not even bother to schedule a debate, let alone a vote, on the expiring Bush tax cuts. This week, House Democrats appear poised to follow suit. The idea is to spare incumbents from having to vote before Nov. 2 on whether to let the rich go on paying less taxes than the nation needs them to pay.

Let’s take Lancaster General public

In exchange for bloated health insurance payments, members of the Lancaster public fortunate to have full insurance coverage are obtaining excellent medical care. Furthermore, out of its average annual earnings of $100 million, non-profit “Public Charity” Lancaster General Health provides the public with an average of $4 million in grants each year.