Tag: featured

LETTER: High density causes county flooding problems

As a Real Estate Broker who knows the County and Municipal rules, regulations and codes, I am finding what is happening to Lancaster County quite alarming.

High Density, which is the way this County is going in future development, is too much too fast. High Density is a very big part of Lancaster County’s problem of flooding. Common sense dictates that when land is covered with buildings and parking lots, storm water is directed to fewer outlets at a faster pace, thereby causing flooding.

Patriotism at the expense of the poor and the needy

In an article “LGH chief exits for military service” the Intelligencer Journal New Era reports “Lancaster General Health’s top leader will take a military leave of absence — which could last up to a year — to direct a new medical center that treats military personnel and veterans suffering from brain injuries and psychological problems…

LETTER: No one cares what happens to us

I was convicted of a non-contact sex offense in 2004. I downloaded files that I should not have. Since then, I have lost my job, my family, my freedom, and every ounce of self-respect I ever had. I hadn’t seen my own kids in 6 years, until my older daughter moved back in with me. She committed suicide soon afterward.

LETTER: River Of Words violates historic setting

(INTELLIGENCER JOURNAL NEW ERA: “Poetic flair for Penn Square. Next spring, a river of words will flow through Lancaster’s Penn Square….

The northwest corner of Penn Square is one of the few truly historic parts of downtown Lancaster that remain relatively unscathed. The Old City Hall (now the Visitors Center and Heritage Museum) and Central Market have undeniable historic value. The early 20th century Griest Building is on the National Register of Historic Places.


In his column “Helping sex offenders helps us”: Jeff Hawkes writes “When sex offenders return home from prison, Pennsylvania assures them a chilly, if not exactly hostile, reception….Where would it end? Maybe with policymakers taking a deep breath and rethinking post-release measures….”

LETTER: Increase in hotel sales tax likely

The LCCCA hasn’t officially loaned money or extended credit to the Historic Preservation Trust, which simply doesn’t have the cash to pay the obligations which were forced upon them years ago by public officials who were trying to close an ever-widening funding gap. The LCCCA simply does not have the ability to force the HPT to pay up; the LCCCA is left with so little cash (because of the agreements which were rubber-stamped by previous LCCCA boards) that it cannot afford to pay the lawyers which would be needed to pursue any legal action against the HPT.

LETTER: Historic Preservation Museum doesn’t exist for all practical purposes

Many people do care quite a bit about historic preservation, especially about the home of a person who had such an influence on our society. What remains at the corner of S. Queen and Vine has little to do with historic preservation. Only a small amount of the original Stevens’ home remains (most of it is newer construction), and that has been fully integrated into the concrete monstrosity of the convention center.

IMF Warns Western Economies Mired in ‘Near Depression’

From NEWSMAX: A new report by the International Monetary Fund paints a brutally grim picture of the global economic outlook, warning that continued European belt-tightening combined with possible deficit-cutting in the United States could lead to a global double-dip recession. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, international business editor of the Daily Telegraph newspaper, wrote that the report suggests Western economies are stuck in a “near depression.”