Tag: featured

GDP up 2%; consumers spend more

From USA TODAY: The economy grew at a slightly faster pace in the third quarter as Americans spent more freely, but growth remains too weak to reduce unemployment. The Commerce Department said Friday that the economy expanded at a 2% annual rate in the July-September quarter. It marked an improvement from the feeble 1.7% growth in the April-June quarter.

Toomey leads Sestak 46 to 43.2 when polls averaged

Real Clear Politics’ summary of six recent polls of the Sestak vs. Toomey senatorial campaign shows Pat Toomey leading 46.0 to 43.2, a margin of +2.8. They comment: “10/26/10 — The polls are a bit all over the place here. Morning Call’s tracking poll shows an eleven point swing from a week ago, while Reuters/Ipsos enters the fray with a poll showing a tie race.


“Lancaster County transportation officials took a second swing at federal funding for Harrisburg Avenue and again came up empty. The application for $30.8 million was submitted in August to a U.S. Department of Transportation grant program…


An article opined: “Penn Manor School Board has voted to offer $3.84 million for a piece of property owned by a former school board president — land for which the district has no particular plans. The property is between two parcels already owned by the district. Because the land is zoned for housing, advocates of the sale said, the district should grab it to prevent it from being developed.

Folly all around us

Observations while leafing through the Sunday News over coffee and a bran muffin:

1) “Father, 3 sons found guilty of tax evasion” The Watchdog doesn’t know the Bitterman family, but I assume their mindset is a cross between narcissism and tribalism, whereby they do not perceive themselves as being part of a greater community, as partners in the Judeo / Christian / Islamic creeds (as well as the other great religions) of “Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

PA 2nd largest newspaper endorses Joe Sestak

Pennsylvanians are not likely to find a more high-contrast choice Nov. 2 than in the race for U.S. Senate. Republican Pat Toomey and Democrat Joe Sestak are vying for the seat held by Arlen Specter for the last 30 years. Mr. Toomey wants to reduce the role of government on virtually every front. Mr. Sestak believes government should play a role in improving the lives of Americans. Based on interviews with both candidates, the choice for the Post-Gazette is easy.

Authors should think twice about copyrighting books

An obscure but highly useful book by an Australian doctor with an inner city, general practice sold several hundred copies in its paper back edition. Given the need to for the counseling provided, several years after publication an American foundation entered into a financial arrangement for the right to publish the book as a web site.