Tag: featured

LETTER: Disillusionment may lead to violence

I am hearing more and more people on the progressive side of issues talking about resistance and violence (and we have seen the threat of violence on the right in the Tea Party and people bringing guns to presidential town halls). More and more Americans see the avenues of change — elections, legislatures, courts and media — as dominated by concentrated corporate power so significantly that they no longer work.

If in Illinois, LGH might not qualify for exemption from real estate taxes

Lancaster General Health, a 501(c) 3 Public Charity, seeks to conceal its failure to bestow but a tiny percentage (usually less than 4%) of its average $100 million earnings by claiming that services provided below cost to patients quality as charity. This is patently incorrect because, rather than gifts, such losses are simply expenses incurred prior to profits or ‘Surplus.’


“HANG TOGETHER … or hang separately when it comes to making the sacrifices needed to put our economy back in order. Will we become selfless or remain selfish?” Is the lead to an editorial. The editors go on to observe: “Last week in Washington, the Obama administration’s deficit reduction commission prescribed harsh medicine to cure America’s fiscal illness: higher Social Security taxes and lower benefits for people who earn more, an increase in the retirement age, reductions in Medicare, elimination of the mortgage interest deduction and child tax credit.”

Give hyperbole, partisanship a rest

From POLITICO.COM: Jon Stewart’s “Rally for Sanity” challenged extremists of all stripes this past weekend. The crude attempts by pundits and politicians on the fringes of the left and the right to stir up fear among viewers have made these carnival barkers wealthy and powerful — but Stewart believes the process has brought harm to America.

How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms

“An apology is due Barack Obama,” wrote The Economist, which had opposed the $86 billion auto bailout. As for Government Motors: after emerging from bankruptcy, it will go public with a new stock offering in just a few weeks, and the United States government, with its 60 percent share of common stock, stands to make a profit. Yes, an industry was saved, and the government will probably make money on the deal — one of Obama’s signature economic successes…”


“Obama panel recommends $200B in spending cuts”: The leaders of President Obama’s fiscal commission are recommending up to $200 billion a year in domestic and defense spending cuts from the federal budget, much of it by shrinking the size and freezing the pay of the federal workforce.

LETTER: Kill Crazy People?

This past Saturday afternoon, Robert Neill, Jr. 61 died at the hands of police. The Vietnam era vet, was a widow, father of three grown children and grandfather of 9 (according to newspapers accounts).

Neil called the police to his home for help for what’s reported to be neighbors harassing him.

Unusually reflective Bush gives his side of the story

From USA TODAY: This isn’t the George W. Bush who couldn’t come up with an answer when he was asked during a 2004 White House news conference to name his biggest mistake. Almost two years after leaving office, the former president readily lists his mistakes. He recites a litany of errors in an interview and in his new book, Decision Points: He didn’t act swiftly enough after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

LETTER: What if austerity turns into a crisis?

With the purposefully (or ignorantly) misplaced, “mad as hell”, Tea Party ascendancy, together with the partisan channeled anger of conservatives and disappointed liberals, the Republican Party has succeeded in advancing its cause. If I thought for a moment that their success would be good for ordinary folks (70% of us) I would be the first in line to joyfully shake their hands.