Tag: featured

NEWSLANC’S MISSION ACCOMPLISHED: Discontinuing weekly newsletters; website evolves

Robert Field had lived in Lancaster for 45 years but his business and political activists interests were mainly national and international. It took the Convention Center issue to attract his attention and, to his horror, the realization that what had once been one of the fairest and most democratic counties had fallen under the control of a few predators and their many dupes.

A Christmas story from Canada

Having made the annual Halifax pilgrimage to the in-laws and with wife Karen off visiting with her brother, son Benjamin off with his older cousins, and daughter Sarah staying with her aunt and uncle on their horse farm, the Watchdog walked over for lunch to McDonalds, one of only two open neighborhood downtown restaurants.

Time to get tough with China?

For years, economists have complained that China was artificially holding down the value of the renminbi in relationship to the dollar in order to make Chinese goods cheaper to American consumers and U. S. exports more expensive for Chinese consumers. This has contributed to the huge trade deficit and export of American jobs and investments to China.

Specter scolds Senate in farewell

From the POST-GAZETTE: …Mr. DeMint did not appear by name in Mr. Specter’s speech, but it was no secret whom the Pennsylvanian meant when he said, “Eating or defeating your own is a form of sophisticated cannibalism.” Continuing themes he has stressed repeatedly in recent months, Mr. Specter attacked the Supreme Court for its controversial decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission…

Full recovery likely for Gulf of Mexico

From USA TODAY: The long-term impact of the Gulf Coast disaster could be relatively minor, and the Gulf is likely to fully recover from the April oil spill, the government-appointed compensation chief said Monday. Speaking to USA TODAY’s Editorial Board in a year-end interview, Ken Feinberg said his optimistic prediction is based on opinions the government has solicited from experts.

Reasons for rapid decline of USA Expanded

It doesn’t take genius to know why the USA has been in such sharp decline over the past three decades.

#1. The misdistribution of wealth which has kept middle class incomes flat for over three decades while the wealth of the nation has been concentrated in the hands of the top 0.01% of the nation.

Enlightened, able and selfless philanthropy

I’m proud to say the idea was mine and the money necessary to realize it my family’s. American House negotiated the purchase of the building and oversaw the renovation. Richard Field

EDITOR: When the skills to make the money are ably applied to how it is used, the benefits can be multiplied. Richard’s knowledge and experience as a real estate developer and builder were essential in guiding the enterprise, helping with the negotiations…

Historic Preservation Trust abused and now replaced

The real news here is that the Historic Preservation Trust – which was an integral part of the project from the beginning – is now OUT. Remember it was HPT which supported the demolition of the Watt & Shand building, which was at one time on the National Register of Historic Places (a facade does NOT qualify). Admittedly HPT did work to save the Stevens/Smith/Kleiss properties, but it then went on to support the demolition of large portions of all four historic buildings…

Love and Other Drugs, and an outrageous Jim Carrey flick

Anne Hathaway’s spirited performance is the best reason to see “Love and Other Drugs.” Otherwise, the movie, in spite of its multple ambitions, is a mess. Not unlikeable, just unsuccessful. The beginning is promising. Writer/director Ed Zwick, and his co- screenwriter Charles Randolph, capably sketch a complicated family heavily invested in the medical arts. George Segal and the late Jill Clayburgh appear, happily, as the clan elders.

Study Confirms That Fox News Makes You Stupid

In eight of the nine questions below, Fox News placed first in the percentage of those who were misinformed (they placed second in the question on TARP). That’s a pretty high batting average for journalistic fraud. Here is a list of what Fox News viewers believe that just aint so:

91 percent believe the stimulus legislation lost jobs
72 percent believe the health reform law will increase the deficit
72 percent believe the economy is getting worse
60 percent believe climate change is not occurring
49 percent believe income taxes have gone up
63 percent believe the stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts
56 percent believe Obama initiated the GM/Chrysler bailout
38 percent believe that most Republicans opposed TARP
63 percent believe Obama was not born in the U.S. (or that it is unclear)

U. S. diplomacy at its best

The American and Danish embassies in Hungary jointly sponsored a symposium for the discussion of the plight of the Roma population in Hungary which was attended by perhaps 150 persons, with rooms filled to full capacity and chairs brought in for the break-out sessions. Romas make up approximately 5% of the Hungarian population, although there is no exact count.