Tag: featured

Does One Word Change ‘Huckleberry Finn’?

From the NEW YORK TIMES: A new edition of “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” has generated much controversy because it will replace the word “nigger,” which occurs 219 times in the book, with “slave.” (The edition also substitutes “Indian” for “injun.”) Alan Gribben, an English professor at Auburn University at Montgomery, proposed the idea to the publisher because he believes the pervasive use of that word makes it harder for students to read or absorb the book.

Great Depression and Great Recession had similar causes

The Watchdog is reading Robert Reich’s “After-Shock, The Next Economy and America’s Future” not because he expected new ideas, but because he sought statistics that could be used to drive home past messages. Reich is to be commended for his well founded ideas, but he occasionally takes short cuts with the facts to make his point, and that is unfortunate.

Convention Center financing costs could jump

The issue now faced by the LCCCA is if Wells Fargo/Wachovia will renew their Letter of Credit when it expires at the end of March 2012. The LCCCA’s current plan is to continue paying its existing low interest rate; the problem is, without an independent guarantee the financing costs of the variable-rate construction bonds could escalate significantly.


It’s editorial “Bringing back PA. helmet Law” is subtitled “mandatory helmet laws do nothing to prevent accidents, and they may even cause them in some cases.” It concludes: “The bottom line is this: Motorcycle-helmet use should be encouraged, not required. Adults are capable of making personal-safety decisions on their own.”

Gallup: Obama Approval at 8-Month High

President Obama’s approval rating in the latest Gallup Daily tracking poll sits at its highest point in eight months. Fully half of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, while 42 percent disapprove. Obama’s approval last stood at 50 percent during a three-day, rolling sample conducted last May 29 to June 1, partially over Memorial Day weekend.


An editorial entitled “Held prisoner” suggests: “If Lancaster County can’t afford to build more cells to relieve overcrowding at the county prison, and if Pennsylvania is struggling with soaring costs for state prisons, maybe it’s time to rethink our collective approach to crime and punishment.

Smart, Stiglitz, the Watchdog and Canada

Gil Smart’s Sunday News Column “Black clouds, green shoots” is pleasant, farsighted, and foreboding.

However, it sent the Watchdog to Wikipedia to look up “Dystpoia”, to wit: “A dystopia (from Ancient Greek: δυσ-: bad-, ill- and Ancient Greek: τόπος: place, landscape) (alternatively, cacotopia,[1] or anti-utopia) is, in literature, an often futuristic society that has degraded into a repressive and controlled state, often under the guise of being utopian.

NewsLanc’s Person of the Year Award

For the outgoing 2010, the Award is to the almost ‘Over the Hill Gang’ who recognized an impending community tragedy and had sufficient confidence in their own abilities and integrity to ‘go where Angels fear to tread’, that is to take the leadership of the Pennsylvania Academy of Music. Holmes Morton, MD and Tom Godfrey, MD were not deterred by the turning on the Academy by its past benefactor and chair and the public chagrin…


(Forty-eighth in a series) Different law firms represented the parties to the contracts among Penn Square Partners (PSP), the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster (RACL), and the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority (LCCCA), and it is not the intention of this article to question the integrity of the law firms.   However, consider that […]

How to keep families in their homes

Over the past two years, the Watchdog has repeatedly lamented the failure of the federal government to empower mortgage servicing agents to “cram down” the principle and interest owed on loans so that both reflected market conditions. This would allow families to remain in place and save lenders the huge expense of foreclosure, restoration of the premises, transaction costs, and sale at a big loss, aggregating as high as 30% to 35% of market value.


Lead article entitled “Obama Embraces ‘Death Panel’ Concept in Medicare Rule” goes on to say: “During the stormy debate over his healthcare plan, President Barack Obama promised his program would not ‘pull the plug on grandma,’ and Congress dropped plans for death panels and ‘end of life’ counseling that would encourage aged patients from partaking in costly medical procedures.

Arlen Specter and Me, Part One

A few occurrences particularly stick out in my memory concerning the frantic election campaign in 1980 from which Arlen Specter rose from what most considered a political grave and surprisingly emerged as a United States Senator. (Arlen was a fraternity brother of my older brothers Martin and Joe at Penn and later attending Yale Law School with Joe.