Tag: featured

Should LCCCA sue Stevens and Lee?

Perhaps the law firm of Stevens and Lee, the LCCCA and Penn Square Partners should be sued for the following reasons:

1. Stevens and Lee and the LCCCA obviously did not negotiate with Penn Square Partners on the Convention center in the best interests of the public for whom they both had fiduciary and ethical duties to do so. This is “obvious” by the substance of the resulting agreements, which placed a greatly disproportionate share of the costs and risks on the public and the potential benefits to Penn Square Partners.

Palm Beach lake front homes symbolic of our times

Twenty-five years had passed since the Watchdog had last vacationed at Palm Beach, Florida and he looked forward to strolling some miles along the macadam bicycle path that snakes between Lake Worth and stately multi-million dollar homes and estates.

There was only one noticeable change, but a big one. In the past, front yards of the homes were separated from the path by low walls or hedges, allowing cyclists, joggers and pedestrians to admire the houses and for the owners and their guests to gaze across the lake.

Hungary’s Roma: The case for affirmative action

2010 was the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. And yet Europe’s estimated 8-10 million Roma found themselves poorer and more socially excluded than ever after the Italian and French governments demolished “illegal” Roma settlements and deported thousands of Roma in clear violation of their rights as citizens of European Union member states…

LETTER: Lancaster police over paid

During this debate about the damage unions have done to this country, it is very important to make a distinction between public and private sector unions. While there valid arguments that even private sector unions have flourished because of favorable regulations and requirements, the fact remains that companies have options.

Time to Topple Corporate Dictators

From COUNTERPUNCH.COM: The 18 day non-violent Egyptian protests for freedom raise the question: is America next? Were Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine around, they would likely say “what are we waiting for?” They would be appalled by the concentration of economic and political power in such a few hands. Remember how often these two men warned about concentrated power.

Where Have The Good Men Gone?

From the WALL STREET JOURNAL: Not so long ago, the average American man in his 20s had achieved most of the milestones of adulthood: a high-school diploma, financial independence, marriage and children. Today, most men in their 20s hang out in a novel sort of limbo, a hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance.

A case study in Keynesian economics

Building permits were issued at 1:00 pm last Friday morning for major renovation at a hotel that was already underway. However, due to a recent change in life safety code of which the mechanical engineer was unaware, the permits required that all plastic soil pipe running in the first floor plenum (between the drop ceiling and the concrete plank above) be wrapped in fire insulation.


Article “Passive houses aggressively reduce energy” boasts:

“ ‘It’s like living in a glass thermos,’ says John Eckfeldt, a physician who built one of these ‘passive’ homes in frigid Isabella, Minn. He says the inside temperature is so even that if he sees snow falling, he’s surprised to realize it must be cold outside.”

What we still haven’t learned about rape

From the NATION: When Lara Logan of CBS News came forward with the news that she had been brutally sexually assaulted by a group of men while reporting from Tahrir Square, the story caused shock waves. Logan is the chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS, and it is rare for prominent women to come forward with stories of rape or sexual assault.