Tag: featured

2010 Oscar Post Mortem, Part 2

by Dan Cohen, Santa Monica Reporter

The 2010 movie year concluded with an unusually dull Academy Awards broadcast, lacking surprises on every possible level. I suppose we should be thankful for the movies they honored, which were so much better than the show. Still, the images from “Titanic,” that flashed numerous times throughout the more than three hour debacle, spoke volumes.

Only court jesters could speak truth to kings

This below raises issues concerning the trend in relationships between the sexes and future formations of families. The Watchdog is no sociologist. But, at 74, he has observed changes in sexual mores over many decades.

Let’s start with the federal study on youths and sex that was widely publicized this past week:

Boehner Rips Obama’s ‘Outrageous’ Behavior

From NEWSMAX: House Speaker John Boehner declares that President Barack Obama’s decision not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court is “outrageous” and vows that Republicans will intervene in the next few days. Appearing on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News Channel show on Wednesday night, Boehner was asked whether the GOP planned to hire a special counsel to “do the job that the executive branch won’t do.”


“A new chapter”, an Intelligencer Journal editorial concludes: “The [The Pennsylvania Academy of Music] has endured more than a year of negative publicity in the wake of its bankruptcy filing and the subsequent lawsuit to attempt to recover unfulfilled pledges.

Will Lybia be Obama’s Hungarian Revolution ?

In 1956, during the second Eisenhower administration, the people of Hungary revolted against their Soviet oppressors, in part stirred on by incitements from John Foster Dulles, the US secretary of state. Yet when Soviet troops entered Hungary to suppress the uprising, the US was unable to do anything tangible to assist the Hungarians and the revolt was crushed.

$300 million goes uncollected from PA online retailers

From the PATRIOT-NEWS: Although there is a great deal of disagreement about the tax code, American taxpayers at least expect that the laws that are on the books are actually enforced — we expect everyone to be treated fairly. A sale is a sale. It’s only fair that a seller is held accountable for their legally owed taxes — what does it matter if it’s done online or off-line?

Wartime Contractors Waste, Steal Tens Of Billions — Then Come Back For More

From the HUFFINGTON POST: The chairmen of the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting decried on Monday a federal system that has allowed contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan to commit fraud — then get hired again and again. “For the 200,000 people employed by contractors to provide support and capability in Iraq and Afghanistan, accountability is too often absent, diluted, delayed, or avoided…”

Why aren’t more meltdown moguls indicted?

From USA TODAY: Nearly a decade ago, responding to a raft of financial scandals at Enron, WorldCom and other companies, the Justice Department sent dozens of executives to prison and even put a major accounting firm out of business. Now, after a far larger economic meltdown, it looks increasingly likely that no big name will be criminally prosecuted.


Commenting on how middle class ‘real’ incomes have remained “flatlined” over the past three decades, columnist Gil Smart observes in “Turning us all into plebes”:

“This stunning acquiescence to economic serfdom is a mark of how thoroughly we’ve internalized the propaganda of the past 30 years…