Tag: featured

Japan Suspends Work at Stricken Nuclear Plant

From AOL/ AP: Japan ordered emergency workers to withdraw from its stricken nuclear plant Wednesday amid a surge in radiation, temporarily suspending efforts to cool the overheating reactors. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the workers, who have been dousing the reactors with seawater in a frantic effort to stabilize their temperatures, had no choice but to pull back from the most dangerous areas…

LETTER: Nuclear energy still too risky, too expensive and not needed

The situation in Japan shows that nuclear energy is still too risky to be deployed. We need to move to a carbon-free/nuclear-free energy economy. The nuclear energy, the politicians that take their money and the media that takes energy advertising have been selling America a bill of goods claiming nuclear energy is the answer — that it is now safe — that it is essential – that it is green…


Gil Smart, in a column headed “Gov. Corbett’s shock doctrine” opines: “Our new governor is balancing Pennsylvania’s budget on the backs of students. Corbett’s spending plan cuts $550 million in basic education subsidies and another $500 million-plus in tutoring, charter-school reimbursements and block grants…

Arab League Calls for Help

From AOL: In surprisingly swift action and aggressive language, the 22-member Arab bloc said after an emergency meeting that the Libyan government had “lost its sovereignty.” It asked the United Nations to “shoulder its responsibility…

Too few local heroin addicts receive adequate treatment

A knowledgeable participant in the treatment of heroin addicts in Lancaster County (and elsewhere) stopped by for lunch and a discussion of heroin addiction and treatment in Lancaster County.

The local methadone clinic, Addiction Recovery Systems located in East Hemphill, has approached full licensed capacity, treating approximately 400 patients with either methadone or Suboxone, the latter a form of Buprenorphine which inhibits abuse. Both methadone and Suboxone are opioids imbibed daily in a controlled fashion that avoids peaks and valleys so as to enable people to live normal and productive lives.

LETTER: Powerful cabal of private individuals

Bravo! And another for the editor’s wonderfully pithy, and understated, postscript!

For myself, the outrage is spreading to the courts since the Molly Henderson lawsuit in Chester County Court still sits unheard after years. The phrase, “Justice delayed is justice denied” comes to mind. Her public reputation, her good name, which she so deserved and which was taken away because she dared to carry out her duty to the public is an outrage that continues.

Intelligencer New Era

…Corbett’s vision of shared sacrifice is clouded by his refusal to tax the multi-billion dollar natural gas industry. He argues that natural gas can be to Pennsylvania what oil has been to Texas. Except that Texas taxes natural gas and oil extraction…

Is US espoused Afghanistan strategy déjà vu Viet Nam?

Listening to General Jack Keane former Vice chief of Staff, U. S. Army explain General David Patraeus’ Afghanistan strategy on the March 9th Charlie Rose show was like being back in the 1960’s and 1970’s and listening to generals William Westmoreland and Maxwell Taylor. Keane was echoing the approaches of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger.

Wisconsin GOP Strips Public Workers’ Bargaining Rights

AOL: The Wisconsin Senate succeeded in voting Wednesday to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public workers, after Republicans outmaneuvered the chamber’s missing Democrats and approved an explosive proposal that has rocked the state and unions nationwide.

“You are cowards!” spectators in the Senate gallery screamed as lawmakers voted. Within hours, a crowd of a few hundred protesters inside the Capitol had grown to several thousand, more than had been in the building at any point during weeks of protests…

All electronic voting machines readily hacked

About once a week, I am asked to bring in a team somewhere and demonstrate the hacking of a voting system. I don’t, because I’ve concluded this is a form of insanity, tracking the old adage that insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over again and expecting a different result.

Youth marijuana use linked to psychosis in later life

“This cements much more firmly the reality that marijuana use in adolescence is a risk factor, along with the other genetic, environmental and socioeconomic risk factors, for developing psychosis,” said Dr. Kathryn Kotrla, associate dean and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Round Rock.

LETTER: Newspapers firefighter coverage unfair

This article about Lancaster City’s firefighters is so one-sided that it is sickening. There is no mention of the verbal abuse and blatantly retaliatory actions which has been piled onto Lancaster’s finest over the past year; every single one of the 27 grievances filed by firefighters is based on something that actually happened.