Tag: featured

Former President Vicente Fox: Mexico at ‘War,’ Obama’s Approach a Failure

From NEWSMAX: ….”The United States has to think very profoundly how it is going to solve this problem of excess in the consumption of drugs, excess in building a market that is very profitable to the criminals,” he said. He continued: “I think the best move is to take away the business from criminals and put it in the hands of businessmen and producers, farmers, distributors.”

Is President Obama a hypocrite?

QUESTION: In what circumstances, if any, would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? (Specifically, what about the strategic bombing of suspected nuclear sites — a situation that does not involve stopping an IMMINENT threat?)

Obama faces bipartisan pushback on force

From THE HILL: Lawmakers have finally come together in bipartisan fashion: to criticize Obama’s military action in Libya without consulting Congress. President Obama has long trumpeted a desire to see lawmakers from both sides come together in bipartisan fashion, and now they have: to criticize his military action in Libya without formally consulting Congress…

Inquirer Editorial: Don’t target good teachers

A bill that would allow Pennsylvania school districts to lay off teachers solely for budgetary reasons has too many holes in it to benefit public education…

But it makes sense to reconsider “last-in, first-out” employment policies that can result in good but less experienced teachers getting the ax while veteran teachers who may be exhibiting signs of being burned out keep their jobs.

How many city workers needed to fill a pot hole?

The usual approach a couple of decades ago was for townships to send one worker with a pickup truck to the asphalt plant and then the worker would drive around, stopping at pot holes, shovel in some black top, and compact it. The Watchdog witnessed what appeared to be four city ‘workers’ filling a pot hole near the Central Market, with one doing the work and the other three standing by.

A cry for help and sign of the times

EDITOR: The following was received by Richard Field, founder of the American House Foundation in Hungary. Some school children receive no lunch; others only get a thin gruel. We reproduce the letter because it is representative of what is occurring throughout the world.

Please allow me to introduce myself: my name is ——– and I am an American living in Budapest, Hungary. I recently heard about the American House Foundation’s work here in Hungary, and would like to thank you for the help you have so far extended to Hungary, especially in the matter of providing food for children.

LETTER: Shame on us for putting up gov’t and industry corruption

I am surprised and happy that the New Era would have such a logical criticism of a Republican administration especially when it finds itself advocating for increased taxes! Did I read that correctly? Corporations should “share the pain”? What about “the job busting taxes that discourage the very industries that bring good paying jobs to the commonwealth etc etc. etc” ad nauseam.