Tag: featured

The return path from plutocracy to democracy

Jacob S. Hacker & Paul Pierson , authors of “Winner-Take-All Politics; How Washington Made the Rich Richer – And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class” deplore the Senate rule which requires 60 of the 100 members to vote for cloture in order to be able to vote on legislation other than taxes…


An editorial “The debate over nation’s deficit” opines: “Obama has been a Johnny-come-lately to deficit reduction…”

WATCHDOG: A house of worship was holding its annual awards dinner at the Marriott. On the way to the meeting, the religious leader stopped by his office to pick up some exhibits.

LETTER: This is a vivid lesson in how we can fight back

Fellow Americans:

Here’s an 8-minute preview of a documentary I began shooting in Chicago back in 1968, featuring a remarkable grass roots organizer named Robert E. Lee III. Over the last four decades I’ve shot some 60 hours of video as Bobby created a powerful political dynasty in Houston’s legendary 5th Ward on a budget of nickels and dimes.

I’m now at work on the final cut because it couldn’t be more timely. In the current political mess we’re overwhelmed by billionaires and corporations who seem determined to destroy the middle class so the US can effectively compete with China by paying our workers similar slave wages.

The real Trump success story

Frederick Christ “Fred” Trump (October 11, 1905 – June 25, 1999) was a prominent American builder and real estate developer. He was the father of Maryanne Trump Barry, Robert Trump, Elizabeth Trump Grau, Donald J. Trump and the late Fred Trump, Jr.

LGH conceals date of Annual Meeting

Over the past two weeks, NewsLanc has twice made inquiries of John Lines, Director of Public Relations, concerning the date, time and location of Lancaster General Health’s annual meeting, the only one that they allow to be open to the public. So far, no response.

LETTER: Stop legislating moral behavior

We must decriminalize drugs and stop legislating moral behavior. Frankly, what one does on their own time, in their own homes, is none of our business.

The war on drugs is a failure. It’s time we took the criminal element out of our midst. By doing so, we take away money from gangs and dangerous thugs and return it to the coffers of the American People via taxes.

The wisdom of Barack Obama

The President had the Republicans, and especially the Tea Party, by the cajones. He could have allowed the government to partially shut down for a week or two and blame would have been focused on Republican interjection of the Planned Parenthood Rider into what was supposed to be a strictly budgetary dispute.