Tag: featured

Disastrous Choice for Economy

From AOL / AP: WASHINGTON – The United States has never defaulted on its debt and Democrats and Republicans say they don’t want it to happen now. But with partisan acrimony running at fever pitch, and Democrats and Republicans so far apart on how to tame the deficit, the unthinkable is suddenly being pondered.

20 Great Sex Tips for Men

From AOL HEALTH: Let’s face it: No matter how proficient you think you are, every now and then, you could use a little boost to improve your sex life and satisfy your partner. Try these simple, achievable sex tips with your lover tonight.


Editorial “Booing educators” opines: “…Serving on a school board has long been a thankless job. It requires long hours with no pay and involves settling disputes between students, parents, teachers and administrators.

It’s even worse today. The recession didn’t help. Gov. Tom Corbett’s $1.5 billion public education funding cut really hurt.

Liberals for Donald Trump!

Nothing could make progressives more ecstatic than Trump as the Republican candidate or as a third party candidate. Either would assure the re-election of President Barack Obama by a landslide, likely sweeping in a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives as well as maintaining the majority in the Senate.

Two disparate views concerning treatment of pain

From USA TODAY: Article “Ending painkiller abuse requires doctor training, drug czar says” reports: “To halt prescription drug abuse, the nation’s fast-growing drug problem, Congress must require special training for doctors and other health care workers before they are allowed to prescribe powerful drugs such as OxyContin, White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske said Tuesday.

The persistence of selective memory

From THE BUDAPEST TIMES: Each nation must come to terms with the darker chapters of its own history. For the United States such chapters include the genocidal destruction of Native American peoples, the deaths of millions of Indochinese, and more recently the death of over one hundred thousand Iraqi civilians.