Tag: featured

Reaction to soaring rental rates

Great! The working poor do not have it hard enough with food and gas prices, now rents are in a sharp increase (USA Today). Rental units being built this year are less than a third of what they have been (130,000 vs 40,000) so the great “invisible hand” of supply and demand is telling the landlords what their price should be.

City to enforce meter parking on Saturdays

Effective this coming Saturday, May 7, downtown shoppers must pay the meter as they do on Monday through Friday. Hopefully city leaders have considered the purposes of parking meters. Are they to produce revenue? Or are they to discourage persons who work downtown during weekdays from monopolizing street parking, thus discouraging shoppers?


Analysts commented: “In the past, when US officials announced the death of high-ranking al-Qaeda members, commentators often rejected those reports out of hand. But the latest announcement by Obama, on the other hand, seems to be viewed as somewhat more credible.”

What next after bin Laden death?

From ALJAZEERA: …Peter Bergen, an American journalist, said on CNN that bin Laden’s death marked “the end of the war on terror”. But many other analysts would disagree: Al-Qaeda, after all, is a very different organisation in 2011 than in 2001, with a new cadre of leaders and a wider range of affiliate groups.

What the Bible teaches about homosexuality

The following are excerpts from a commentary on Leviticus 19:1–20:27 by Dr. Judith Hauptman: “…Later in the same chapter, we find a ban on giving one’s seed to Molekh (verse 21), an act that would be against the child’s will. It therefore stands to reason that the very next verse—”do not make a man lie with you as one lies with a woman”

LETTER: Hospital’s outrageous violation of ethics!

An old friend shows up at your door for a visit and you know this person to be a recovering addict, but you believed them to be currently clean. During the visit this person appears to be under the influence and has to be rushed to the hospital emergency. When at the hospital, the police see a small child with the couple and calls CYA.

Coburn takes on Norquist

From POLITICO: Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), arguably the most prominent fiscal conservative in the Senate, is declaring his independence from one of the country’s leading anti-tax groups, Americans for Tax Reform – and its fiery founder, Grover Norquist.

We are swimming in a cesspool of fraud

Goldman’s Sach’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Lloyd C. Blankfein’s total compensation, including a cash bonus, had been raised to $19 million in 2010, according to a regulatory filing on Friday April 8th 2011. This is the same guy who testified before Congress that Goldman’s sales people had no obligation to tell their clients that the financial products they were advising them to buy were the same products that Goldman was betting against . .