Tag: featured

Delaware adopts Medical Marijuana law

Gov. Jack Markell signed legislation today authorizing marijuana growing, distribution and use for limited medical purposes….

The governor signed the bill this morning without the usual signing ceremony in order to initiate a one-year regulatory and licensing process for three not-for-profit dispensaries that will be authorized to sell marijuana to qualified patients.

Third parties not the answer

I think we need to shift the focus toward campaign finance reform. As long as money is running the show, a third party will just become another receptacle for Big Money. Look at the Tea Party—financed by the Koch Brothers so they can continue polluting the environment and not have to pay taxes.


Editorial “A gov’t takeover of legal notices” observes: “Sad to say, many legislators are still peeved, almost vindicative one might suspect, at the citizens uproar that greeted news reports of their 2005 pay raise and led to its cancellation…

A health care system that actually works!

Last week the Watchdog attended a reception at the Westmoreland Club in Wilkes-Barre at which Glenn Steele, President and CEO of Geisinger Health System, talked at length about the ground breaking programs that were praised by President Barack Obama and are at the core of ‘Obama Care.’

Why we believe what we do

The Watchdog has repeatedly touched upon the enigma of why so many people are counter-factual; that is, deny the obvious even when the facts seem indisputable. His “Common Sense for Drug Policy” spent over a decade almost exclusively publishing peer reviewed and federal published items in page long ads in prominent magazines of political opinion, books and at www.CSDP.org/publicservice.


Editorial “An impact fee for shale drillers” opines “…Why? Because the lion’s share of the revenue collected from the fee would go to the communities most affected by natural gas drilling…

U.S. tax burden at lowest level since ’58

From USA TODAY: Americans are paying the smallest share of their income for taxes since 1958, a reflection of tax cuts and a weak economy, a USA TODAY analysis finds. The total tax burden — for all federal, state and local taxes — dropped to 23.6% of income in the first quarter, according to Bureau of Economic Analysis data.