Tag: featured


A column by Scripps Howard’s Dan Thomasson headed “Why FBI’s Mueller must stay” opens: “Despite some grumbling on Capitol Hill, it makes an infinite amount of sense for President Barack Obama to extend Robert Mueller III’s term as FBI director for an additional two years.

Pa. jobless rate falls to 7.5% in April

From the PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE: There was continued good economic news from the state Department of Labor and Industry, which announced Thursday that the state’s unemployment rate fell to 7.5 percent in April, a full percentage point and a half below the national rate.


An article entitled “McDonald’s CEO makes a stand for Ronald” reports: “McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner came out swinging Thursday when asked about Ronald McDonald and whether the burger chain hooks children with junk food.

A SD of L tax abatement rip off of tax payers

According to a lead article in the Intelligencer Journal – New Era, “A presentation by Lancaster city officials, including an appeal by Mayor Rick Gray, helped convince skeptical School District of Lancaster board members to approve a tax break for a company planning to move to the former Lancaster Stockyards…

US Court Allows Search If Evidence Being Destroyed

From NEWSMAX / REUTERS: Police officers can enter a residence without a search warrant when they knock on the door, announce their presence and believe evidence is being destroyed, the Supreme Court ruled Monday. By an 8-1 vote, the high court ruled that entering a residence in such emergency-like circumstances does not violate the constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures of evidence.

Don’t judge people based on middle age crisis

Gil Smart leads off this Sunday News column “The right’s law of the jungle” with the off hand (sic) remark “Elliot Spitzer — who would have received my vote for president but for his hooker problem — had an excellent piece at Slate.com last week on what he termed the “Republican war on the weak.”

Disaster Plan Problems Found at U.S. Nuclear Plants

From the NEW YORK TIMES: Despite repeated assurances that American nuclear plants are better equipped to deal with natural disasters than their counterparts in Japan, regulators said Thursday that recent inspections had found serious problems with some emergency equipment that would have made it unusable in an accident.

LETTER: Obama Care will lead to personal bankruptcies

This is one critical way that Obama’s health law will make things even worse then the current health crisis: there will be a rapid increase in under-insurance, i.e. people who buy insurance thinking they are covered but then will find when they become ill that the cost of health care–after insurance pays its share–destroys them financially.