Tag: featured

Ten Signs The Double-Dip Recession Has Begun

There is almost nothing that damages consumer confidence as badly as a rapid rise in prices. Starbucks recently increased the price of a bag of coffee by 17% because wholesale prices have risen by almost twice that rate in the last year. Cotton prices nearly doubled in 2010 but has fallen this year. But, apparel is made months in advance of when they reach store shelves.

Are all sex offenders “The lowest of the low”?

In an otherwise commendable editorial entitled “A proper ruling”, the Intelligencer Journal editors say “Sex offenders are the lowest of the low, and residents, particularly the parents of children, have reason to fear.” What we deduce they really meant is the sexual offender subset: “Sex offenders of children are the lowest of the low.”

An American abroad

A current visit to Hungary and Croatia makes the Watchdog all the more aware of the decline of the United States. He drove a new super highway linking Budapest to Zegrab (funded by the European Union and private enterprise.) He stopped at a service plaza that makes the latest Turnpike renovation appear two decade behind the time.

House sends Obama message, rejects debt increase (Have they no sense of shame?)

From USA TODAY: The U.S. House today rejected a GOP bid to increase the debt limit without any spending cuts to go along with it, in an effort designed by Republicans to put President Obama and Democrats on the political hot seat. The bill was set up to fail by House Speaker John Boehner and his leadership team to show the need for deep spending cuts and budget changes to go along with any increase in the nation’s $14.3 trillion borrowing authority.