Tag: featured

Biden on China trip: ‘I didn’t come to explain a damn thing’

From the LOS ANGELES TIMES: …Ending a trip that began in China, the vice president stated clearly that his visit there was not one of reassurance about American finances, as had been the prevailing sentiment… In an interview Monday night Biden was more diplomatic when discussing his talks with Chinese leaders, saying their comments behind closed doors about U.S. finances didn’t match public criticism.

Russia says North Korea ready to impose moratorium on mass-destruction weapons tests

WASHINGTON POST: …Russian news agencies, meanwhile, reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong Il said his country is ready to resume talks “without preconditions.”…

The six-sided nuclear talks have been long-stalled, but Kim’s Russia trip comes as his country pushes to restart them. South Korea and Washington have demanded that the North first show its sincerity on fulfilling past nuclear commitments…

No Surprise for Bisexual Men: Report Indicates They Exist

From NEW YORK TIMES: In an unusual scientific about-face, researchers at Northwestern University have found evidence that at least some men who identify themselves as bisexual are, in fact, sexually aroused by both women and men. The finding is not likely to surprise bisexuals, who have long asserted that attraction often is not limited to one sex.


Editorial “Say no to tax hike for online retailers” opines: “…But online merchants say any savings on sales taxes are offset by delivery charges they pick up…Beyond that, requiring the collection of sales taxes would create a bookkeeping and compliance nightmare…”

Wall Street execs turn back on Obama, donate to Romney

From THE HILL: Dozens of Wall Street executives who supported President Obama in 2008 have donated to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign this year. According to a review of fundraising data, 67 people who work in the financial sector and live in the New York City metro area gave to Obama in 2008 and the former Massachusetts governor in 2011.