Tag: featured

Amazon.com tax compromise approved

From USA TODAY/ AP: Lawmakers on Friday sent Gov. Jerry Brown a compromise bill that delays California’s effort to force online retailers such as Amazon.com to collect the state’s sales taxes while retailers lobby Congress for national rules governing online sales taxes.

South Africa Discovery Offers Evolution ‘Game-Changer’

From the HUFFPOST: Two million-year-old bones belonging to a creature with both apelike and human traits provide the clearest evidence of evolution’s first major step toward modern humans – findings some are calling a potential game-changer.

An analysis of the bones found in South Africa suggests Australopithecus sediba is the most likely candidate to be the ancestor of humans, said lead researcher Lee R. Berger of the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa.


Concerning the “Global Policy Forum” to be held at Millersville University on Sept. 15 – 16, Professor Melvin Allen says:

“Students often see college as a ticket to economic and social mobility,” he said, “but fail to recognize the importance of their college experience as preparation for leadership in government or business.

“Why shouldn’t people in public colleges be preparing themselves for leadership in the same way as students in historical colleges for elite students? After all, they are much closer to and understand the challenges facing average citizens.”

Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson lacks the skills to lead the city, former staffers say

From the HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Delusional. Combative. Unwilling to accept counsel and advice. Traits most people wouldn’t want in a leader, especially the leader of a capital city in crisis.

But if there are many reasons Harrisburg is teetering on the brink of default — and threatened with a state takeover — none looms larger than those descriptions of Mayor Linda Thompson…

Long after these projects have failed and have been demolished, the debt lives on

What do projects as diverse as the Lancaster Convention Center, the Harrisburg Incinerator, and New Jersey’s Giants Stadium have in common? These projects have encumbered hundreds of millions in bond debt and have left the public holding the bag.

While Lancaster now tries to weigh the anchor tightened around its fiscal neck by the growing Convention Center debt, it would be good for citizens of the Red Rose City to consider the serious plight now face by its neighbors in Harrisburg.

Apparently the Chinese have no doubts over global warming

A paragraph in a Financial Times article titled “Iceland’s president welcomes Chinese interest” about the Chinese purchase of a huge swath of barren land caught our eye: “Some Icelandic politicians and business leaders are concerned the project could be a cover for China’s strategic interest in the country as global warming opens up the nearby Arctic to oil exploration and shipping.”