Tag: featured

Unemployment in PA soars to 8.2%

According to data from the state Department of Labor and Industry, unemployment in Pennsylvania went from 7.8% in July to 8.2% in August. This is further evidence that, at least for the ‘rust belt’ if not for financial centers, a double dip depression is already upon us.

The absurdities of it all

If one lives in Lancaster, one faces ongoing situations where one doesn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. Here are a few: 1) School District of Lancaster board chair Richard Caplan ( a good guy) defends against accusations by board member Charlie Crystle (another good guy) that the board may have violated the Sunshine Act.

GOP Win in NY Is ‘Stunning Rebuke’ to Obama

From NEWSMAX: Tuesday’s GOP victory in the heavily Democratic New York City’s 9th Congressional District once held by former Rep. Anthony Weiner touched off a political earthquake and offered a “stunning rebuke” to President Barack Obama as he gears up for his re-election bid in 2012, political pundits and pollsters say.

US poverty numbers hit record high

From ALJAZEERA: The US poverty rate hit its highest level since 1993 last year, with a record 46 million people living below the American poverty line, according to census data. A government report released on Tuesday said the poverty rate rose for a third consecutive year to hit 15.1 per cent in 2010, up from 14.3 per cent a year earlier.


LETTER TO THE EDITOR: “Kenneth M. Ralph [letter, Sept. 4] believes the top 5 percent of American earners do not pay their fair share of taxes. The facts tell a different story. “In 2010, according to the Internal Revenue Service, the top 5 percent earned 35 percent of the country’s adjusted gross income and paid 59 percent of federal income taxes…”

For Perry, being governor has perks

From POLITICO: Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s humble origins and down home straight talk are central to his political identity, but for years Perry has enjoyed lavish perks and travel – mostly funded by a group of deep-pocketed supporters – that are allowed under his state’s lax ethics and campaign rules.


DAILY FINANCE: [From article “Is Your Doctor on Big Pharma’s Payroll?”]

“Medical device and pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for a big change in the way they deal with their most important middlemen: doctors. Beginning in 2013, they’ll be required to report every dime they pay out to physicians in speaking fees, consulting, research, meals and business travel to the federal government. You say you didn’t know your doctor was on a pharmaceutical company’s payroll? Neither did I — until this morning, when I searched a new database created by ProPublica, a nonprofit journalism organization, and discovered that one of mine has received money from two drug companies.

Doctors benefiting from relationships with drug or medical device companies is nothing new. Remember all the pens and stuffed animals and other branded tchotchkes that used to be scattered about doctors’ offices? All those trinkets began disappearing a few years ago, after the pharmaceutical industry in 2009 voluntarily agreed to stop producing them, an effort to “try to counter the impression that gifts to doctors are intended to unduly influence medicine,” reports The New York Times…