Tag: featured

Wall Street protests mark 20th day Thursday

From CNN — Thursday marks the 20th day of Wall Street protests and the grassroots demonstrations against income inequality, corporate greed and other social ills appear to be picking up steam. The crowds at the “Occupy Wall Street” rally on Wednesday seemed to be the largest since the protests started.

LETTER: Convoluted foreign policy

Interesting Chess game. Actually the game of Checkers or Leap Frog would be a better metaphors for what is happening in that region. First we take out Irag and Afghanistan to surround Iran and install permanent military bases there (99 year lease of Bagram Airbase). We may be leaving but we are staying.

Supreme Court Approval Rating Dips to 46%

From GALLUP: As the U.S. Supreme Court begins its 2011-2012 term, Americans’ approval of the institution is now 46%, a drop of 5 percentage points in the last year and 15 points in the last two years. Since 2000, Gallup has recorded only one approval rating of the high court that is lower than today’s: 42% in June 2005…

Court ruling has communities overhauling Megan’s Laws

INQUIRER: …Bolstered by online registries of convicted sex offenders, towns enacted laws to keep such criminals from living near schools, parks, day-care centers, and bus stops.

But many of the estimated 150 Pennsylvania cities and towns with such laws are repealing or reconsidering them after a state Supreme Court ruling in May invalidated one statute. New Jersey municipalities did the same after the N.J. Supreme Court ruled residency restrictions invalid in 2009.

Police Arrest More Than 700 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge

From the NEW YORK TIMES: Updated, 3:35 a.m. Sunday

In a tense showdown above the East River, the police arrested more than 700 demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street protests who took to the roadway as they tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

“Protesters who used the Brooklyn Bridge walkway were not arrested,” Paul J. Browne, the chief spokesman for the New York Police Department, said. “Those who took over the Brooklyn-bound roadway, and impeded vehicle traffic, were arrested.”

Where Warren Buffett is wrong

Friday on the Charlie Rose show, mega-billionaire Warren Buffett emphasized that the recovery will remain anemic until the housing industry recovers, which he says will have to await the formation of households outstripping our excessive inventory of houses.


Editorial “Pa.’s leper colonies” opines: “Why does the state Legislature continue to treat Pennsylvania’s small cities like leper colonies?”…

“Roughly 30 percent of the properties in the city are tax exempt.”…

“Unlike Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, the city is not permitted to levy an additional 1 percent sales tax.”…