Tag: featured

Move to refinance home loans hits wall

From the FINANCIAL TIMES: …The Obama administration is eager to spur “refi” at today’s low interest rates as a way to put money into consumer pockets, while the US Federal Reserve has also identified the lack of refinancing as a barrier stopping its ultra-loose monetary policy from helping the economy…

Democrats’ Plan B on jobs bill: Go smaller

From POLITICO: Democrats may not vote on President Barack Obama’s jobs bill just once. They could hold several votes on it, even though they know it’s going nowhere. But that’s just the public theater. Behind the scenes, Senate Democrats are trying to develop a Plan B: a series of smaller bills that actually have a chance of passing a badly divided Congress.

Protesters Against Wall Street

From the NEW YORK TIMES EDITORIAL: As the Occupy Wall Street protests spread from Lower Manhattan to Washington and other cities, the chattering classes keep complaining that the marchers lack a clear message and specific policy prescriptions.

Study: Smoking doubles risk for stroke

USA TODAY: Compared to people who don’t smoke, smokers face twice the risk of stroke and they are likely to have that stroke nearly a decade sooner, a Canadian study finds.

But within two years of quitting smoking, the risk for stroke or heart disease drops to non-smoker levels, the researchers said.