Tag: featured

President’s Troop Withdrawal Plan Prompts Outpouring Of Political Reaction

HUFF POST: President Barack Obama announced on Friday that all U.S. troops will be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of the year.

“As a candidate for president, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end,” Obama said in an announcement from the White House. “So today I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.”

Andrew Sullivan: Occupy The World

From the DAILY BEAST: After this weekend, it is impossible to deny that something is going on out there – something that spans different cultures, countries and polities. From the “Indignants” of Madrid to the pierced peons of Times Square to the thousands in Berlin and Frankfurt and London: this is a chord being struck. The question, to my mind, is: which chord exactly?…

Flood policies should be mandatory

From the SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: Political responses to flooding are like the weather itself – nobody actually does anything about it. A group of lawmakers from Northeast Pennsylvania plan to introduce a series of bills that would provide “bridge” funding to help fund repairs from flood damage, while calling on Washington to expedite full funding.

Pew: Media not in love with Obama

From POLITICO: Sarah Palin put an end to her possible presidential candidacy this month with a familiar parting critique: President Barack Obama has an unfair advantage as a candidate because he’s got “about 90 percent of the media still there in his back pocket.”